Exam evening


Level 8 Referee
Hi all

I have competed my 5 games and my callback evening is next Wednesday. What kind of questions are on the exam paper? I have done the quizzes on are referee and they all seem quite obscure and sometimes hard. Are they similar to this or is it more basic?

A&H International
the questions will not be as complicated as you find on the refereeing websites. it will be basic law questions. If you've read the laws of the game you will pass.
Don’t worry you need to get 30 out of 37correct they are basic with one or two you have to think about don’t rush it take your time and you’ll be ok
They're nice and relatively easy, I don't think you can even fail, I'm sure when I did it late last year I was told you can't fail, or similar.

Just do your best, read up on your distances etc, there won't be any tough questions like 'kicker and goalkeeper offend at a penalty kick, what decision(s) would you make?'

Don't sweat it.
How long did you have ?
Did anyone fail ?
30 minutes I think one person only got 12 correct so he was talked to I’m sure to retake if you get say 28 they should talk you through the questions you won’t fail if you have been reading up don’t follow areref most are outdated and you won’t be asked that kind of question anyway just read the book
One question on my exam was out of date. The question was does the ball have to move forward. This was after the law change so when most of the class choose a different option and were told it was wrong there was a big discussion. Our point was that the answer was wrong as the FA rep said the ball had to move forward at KO. We said thats wrong the law has changed. His reply was thats the answer. I n the end a compromise was reached where if we had the right answer in current law we got the question right, and if we got the question right in historical law we got the question right.
One question on my exam was out of date. The question was does the ball have to move forward. This was after the law change so when most of the class choose a different option and were told it was wrong there was a big discussion. Our point was that the answer was wrong as the FA rep said the ball had to move forward at KO. We said thats wrong the law has changed. His reply was thats the answer. I n the end a compromise was reached where if we had the right answer in current law we got the question right, and if we got the question right in historical law we got the question right.

:eek:And we complain that coaches and players don't know the laws. :confused:
Sure to be several questions from the lists in law 12 so make sure you memorise them well.

Direct free kick offences, 7 + 5
Indirect free kick offences, 5 + 5
Send off offences, 8
Cautionable offences, 8 + 6
List of offences for (mandatory) Unsporting Behaviour cautions, 12
I remember the old boy that questioned me, he must of been 90, I don’t think he’d seen a football pitch since Minty was a boy in the 60s. Maybe there is a bit of part time for you @Mintyref , bring some youthfulness to proceedings.
My 'exam' was a group exercise. They put us in groups of 5 and all the questions were on the projector. No final marks were recorded from memory. There was one kid on my team who had read up and really wanted to be a referee and he had a great knowledge base for a young lad, the 3 others played Call of Duty on their phones!
Exam evening tonight
Will report back and hopefully there will be a happy message at about 9pm.

If it’s anything like mine you can’t fail and they’ll give you plenty of ‘help’ along the way. Apparently the marks aren’t recorded anyway. You’ll be fine. 👍🏻