Horrible Little B*stards


Politically Incorrect
Had a game this morning, Yellow vs Green.

Done both teams on a number of occasions, Green excellent team who win the league and all the cups they're in every season and play some quality football.

Yellow very disrespectful to referees from the Manager down and generally a bit of a handful.

Anyway, 20 minutes in and yellow are 5-0 down, surprisingly no goals my fault.

At half time on comes a very angry man for yellows, who absolutely opitimises 'little man syndrome'. I have sent him off one one of my previous meetings with him, and cautioned in the two others.

10 minutes in and there's an incident where he was basically being lazy, and wanted me to save his team from conceding a goal for it.

From that point on he's muttering constantly, I caution him quickly in the hope he shuts up, instead he just starts to charge into challenges etc, although being lucky not to commit any offences. At this point I'm aware he's a ticking time bomb and I'm just waiting for my opportunity to get rid of him.

But it doesn't come.

Game finishes 10-0 to Greens. As we walk off the pitch he then starts giving it the big lips to me so I whistle, show second yellow and red at which point he keeps going. And going. And going.

I head back to changing rooms, get changed, await collecting money from manager (who took his time to say the least) and he comes across to talk to his manager about how biased I was etc etc (while I'm stood right next to him) and how he only has to breathe and I caution him.

Anyway, I politely inform manager to expect a misconduct report and walk back to my car as he comes with me, along with a few of his team mates. (For the record all cards and misconduct already submitted at time of writing)

I must add I didn't feel intimidated at this point and I don't think that was the intention, but stood my ground as normal as I talked to his team mates about the game in general, and got back to my car, got in and drove off with no further issue.

My question is though, with all this clear bear-baiting (in particular the conversation with the manager present), I'm pretty sure a lot of this goes on because they know we as referees can't react. And if we did they'd be able to play the victim.

I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be trying this kind of caper on if I saw him on a night out - those of you unlucky enough to have seen my ugly carcass know I'm 6ft 1in, 17 1/2 stone and a 50" chest so dwarf this guy completely, but because he's safe in the knowledge on the football pitch I can't react he feels safe enough to try it on?

If only, he'd last about 10 seconds!
A&H International
I feel teams are now a protected species and referees are not backed. This has gone on for some time and i feel the authorities are letting us down.

I once sent a player off and reported him also for more abuse AND saying "i'm going to punch your lights out". His punishment? 1 extra game ban (2 in total) on top of the one game ban he got for two yellows.
I know what you mean @RegalRef - complete cowardice safe in the knowledge the ref is powerless to respond outside of reports. Frustrating.
Apart from the use of the power of words! If the OP had talked a little more about the game, singling out incidents where the little man had let his side down but without naming him, and talking up incidents where the other players had contributed to their team's endeavours, then it might have been a different story. His team mates might have turned on him and given him some stick. At that point, you get in the car while giving him a knowing smile and then drive away...

More than one way to skin a cat
Apart from the use of the power of words! If the OP had talked a little more about the game, singling out incidents where the little man had let his side down but without naming him, and talking up incidents where the other players had contributed to their team's endeavours, then it might have been a different story. His team mates might have turned on him and given him some stick. At that point, you get in the car while giving him a knowing smile and then drive away...

More than one way to skin a cat

Ordinarily I would agree. I'm a big believer in the school of thought that you can say whatever you want to anybody, providing you use the right words. But not this time.

There are a number of reasons in this case:
- The score (a degree of it was frustration I expect, and all the players on the yellow team were not engaging in any conversation)
- The fact the rest of his team had played so poorly there were no 'endeavours' to play up
- The fact that this team are all disrespectful, as is the manager. It really does come from the manager down with this lot.
Next time, give him A cheeky right hook

Oh how I would have loved to mate. Perhaps that's what he needs long term to help next weeks' ref.

I know what you mean @RegalRef - complete cowardice safe in the knowledge the ref is powerless to respond outside of reports. Frustrating.

And that sums it up mate. Cowardice safe in the knowledge the worst I can do is report it, and I can't even verbally tongue lash him outside of 'shut up and go away'.

Hardly seems fair.
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What age group we talking here? Once you leave the dressing rooms after your match is over, you are no longer a referee and well within your rights to say or do what you feel is right. personally, I would point out the numerous errors he made and would also be informing every ref in the league to take no crap from him!
What age group we talking here? Once you leave the dressing rooms after your match is over, you are no longer a referee and well within your rights to say or do what you feel is right. personally, I would point out the numerous errors he made and would also be informing every ref in the league to take no crap from him!

Yeah I bet that is what the top referees do... That is wholly unprofessional and frowned upon. Mr Freethinker, I really do believe that you think a little too freely (like what I've done there?). After reading your post regarding talking to the players and explaining decisons, you're now saying about engaging with the players to tell them what they did wrong?

The one thing I have learnt from refereeing, which I learnt very early on was to be the bigger man. By "pointing out his numerous errors", you're not being the bigger man, you're just being a d**k!

This sort of player I would just ignore. I would suggest that if he didn't feel my performance was up to his teams expectations, he should take the appropriate action and mark me accordingly, backing it up with a report. Converstation closed. Don't start having a bloody argument with anyone there and then, what is that going to achieve other than more animosity?
I feel teams are now a protected species and referees are not backed. This has gone on for some time and i feel the authorities are letting us down.

I once sent a player off and reported him also for more abuse AND saying "i'm going to punch your lights out". His punishment? 1 extra game ban (2 in total) on top of the one game ban he got for two yellows.

That is incredible. I was reading our association's guidelines for next year regarding "threatening or intimidating language or conduct toward a match official".

Anyone care to guess how many matches that suspension is?


One automatic for the red and 16 extra for the seriousness of the offense.
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Mr DB since we are being so formal, unprofessional in what context you are no longer a referee... if a player comes up and punches you post match would you accept that or report him to the police? Or if he verbal abuses would you accept it and walk away? As per your reference to talking to players we all have our ways of dealing with people and tolerance levels. Personally, I think the player is being a dxck and maybe if he was brought down to size in future he wouldn't be. However, we all have our ways. Thank you for your kind advise sir.
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That is incredible. I was reading our association's guidelines for next year regarding "threatening or intimidating language or conduct toward a match official".

Anyone care to guess how many matches that suspension is?


One automatic for the red and 16 extra for the seriousness of the offense.
In Norn Iron minimum 6 match ban and £100. if they actually carry out the threat 6 months to a year, whilst you are a referee. In carpark after Association don't want tot know!
Once you leave the dressing rooms after your match is over, you are no longer a referee and well within your rights to say or do what you feel is right.

What is this?? I cant work out whether your are taking the pi$$ or being serious anymore, either way you are hilarious!!!!
What is this?? I cant work out whether your are taking the pi$$ or being serious anymore, either way you are hilarious!!!!
It's called a post or comment, I believe it is what people do on threads/forums. Now if you are here to start another row just toddle on we are all entitled to our opinions and I find your hostility most unprofessional. :rolleyes::moon:
Can you explain them to me cos I am a little confused and in need of love :(

Well in my opinion i cannot believe that a referee would say:
Once you leave the dressing rooms after your match is over, you are no longer a referee and well within your rights to say or do what you feel is right.

I am a referee right now sat here at my desk. My actions, a million miles away from a football pitch will always be taken into account as first and foremost those of a referee. Whether thats posting something on social media or fighting in a pub on a Friday night, you are always a referee!
Right then, had enough of your nonsense in the other thread. Want to behave like grown ups now?
Well in my opinion i cannot believe that a referee would say:
Once you leave the dressing rooms after your match is over, you are no longer a referee and well within your rights to say or do what you feel is right.

I am a referee right now sat here at my desk. My actions, a million miles away from a football pitch will always be taken into account as first and foremost those of a referee. Whether thats posting something on social media or fighting in a pub on a Friday night, you are always a referee!
Seriously? You need to get out more. For the hour before a match when I turn up at the venue until I leave the changing rooms after the match I am a referee. The rest of the time I am me! When I walk down the street or sit in a restaurant I ain't wearing a referee's outfit and I don't particularly wish to talk about football or LOTG. However, during the time I am a referee I am professional in everything I do. Next time sometime someone calls you something offensive or hits you in the street show them a yellow/red card or report it to the FA see what they say. They will tell you it's nothing to do with them as you were not in an official capacity! Ask them when they view you to be a referee.