Changing Room Disturbed


Active Member
Hi all,

Saturday county league game was a bit of a slog this week - nothing out of the ordinary, just lots of whining, after being moaned at end of the first half I decided to just get cards out and not give players a chance to grumble, which seemed to keep things moving.

Mass con at the end after a cynical challenge to bring down a counter-attack, and before I can issue the card, everyone's in giving their tuppence worth. Quite pleased with myself as I've had a bit of a blind spot in the past with these - just walked back to get a good view of everything and started getting numbers down in my book, all the offenders dealt with (including a red for one charming sub who came on, started slinging abuse, then refused to provide a name and had a sub jacket on so now the county get to sort that out), but when I've got back to my changing room, my kit's been knocked about. Initially I thought they'd taken my keys, wallet and phone, but they were still intact - someone's just gone in and overturned my bag and, confusingly, hidden a box with my spare whistle and other bits and bobs behind the toilet! Nowt queer as folk I suppose.

Anyway, all the reports went in, my sunday morning game was off for pitch problems, and next weekend I'm off doing kendo instead. Any advice on how to make sure nothing gets smashed/nicked next time? I'm fifty-fifty on whether I'll go back to that league or stick to the supply. Not sure what else I could have done apart from taking my stuff with me out onto the pitch to be honest, and it's not really something we should have to worry about.
A&H International
All I can really say is ask the club to lock it for you? No winning with some people/clubs is there…
Have you spoke with the club and asked them to investigate? Was it a changing room specific to that club, or a general purpose changing area at a multi-pitch venue?
Have you spoke with the club and asked them to investigate? Was it a changing room specific to that club, or a general purpose changing area at a multi-pitch venue?
Council park and changing rooms, but only one game happening on the day. Both clubs are aware but there's no CCTV or anything, so nowt will come of it - it's gone in on misconduct but the CFA and competition can't do much apart from record it and put a note out telling people to stay out.
Council park and changing rooms, but only one game happening on the day. Both clubs are aware but there's no CCTV or anything, so nowt will come of it - it's gone in on misconduct but the CFA and competition can't do much apart from record it and put a note out telling people to stay out.
Lock valuables in your car?
I had a similar incident in a match I had a while back. I normally take my things and leave them where I can see them but if there is a specific changing room for match officials then once ready I insist that it is locked and ensure I know the one person who has the key. It hasn't happened since. Hopefully your CFA can take some action because that is absolutely disgraceful.