Accumulating yellows

Can anyone help me out - Sheffield Wednesday midfielder Sam Hutchinson has received 9 cautions this season, but two were in the same game and he was sent off. In terms of 10 yellows being a ban, is he classed as being on 9 or less because of the red card game?
A&H International
Typically (and this doesn't speak for all competitions obviously), when you receive a second caution in a match, your cautions don't count at all, because they've combined to become a sending off. So that would (typically) count as 0Y 1R.

Of course, if you get a caution then a straight sending off, it counts as 1Y 1R.
What Alex says is correct. As referees if we send off a player for S7 we don't put caution reports in, we just put an S7 report. And at all levels the FA won't send out the paperwork for an S7 with two caution reports, it will just be the S7.
Can anyone help me out - Sheffield Wednesday midfielder Sam Hutchinson has received 9 cautions this season, but two were in the same game and he was sent off. In terms of 10 yellows being a ban, is he classed as being on 9 or less because of the red card game?

Ban the bloody lot of them....... UpTheBlades!
I take it all back... I was BUZZing after last nights result though!!! Great to see a team in red and white ram it up the Massive!!! :confused: