Ladies Boxing match or football match?

John White

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Had my first Ladies match today, my university against my home university (hard to be bias!)

All going well, it was a good game and all under control. 70th minute, I give a free kick to bibs for a shirt pull, (there was a kit clash so the home team wore bibs) but the other girl didn't let go of her even after I had blown my whistle. The girl who I had given the free kick to, then swung a punch at the other girl, and connected, so she retaliated - and ended up in a full blown fist fight! The manager of the home team then came over from the other side of the pitch to try and calm it down, but the away team's captain took offence to it and started having a go at him.

So I told him to go back to his side of the pitch so I could deal with it. I isolated the 2 offenders, and said to the captains tat I would be sticking with the original offence (the shirt pull, free kick to bibs) and then sent the away girl off for retaliation. This caused uproar as they all thought the bib girl had got away with it, but then because I was consistent - she too had thrown punches, I sent her off.

It all calmed down again after that as if nothing had happened!

Always expect the unexpected guys!
A&H International