Defender shouts something as someone takes a penalty.

Tony Casscarino

New Member
Level 7 Referee
What is the rule for someone putting off the penalty taker? If they score do you let the goal stand and just caution the offending player... also would this be classed as unsporting conduct in the report? If they miss do you get them to re-take it and caution the offending player who calls out? And finally, what if you hear it but can't identify who it was? Do you give a retake but not caution anyone?

A&H International
The law that applies here states that "a player must be cautioned for unsporting behaviour [...] if a player: verbally distracts an opponent during play or at a restart."

At a penalty, this would constitute an infringement of the laws by a team-mate of the player taking the penalty kick so you would act accordingly in regards to allowing the goal or ordering a retake.

On the last scenario, you can't caution a player if you can't identify them.