

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
As most kids of 16 are I use Facebook, the other day a player of a team I'd refereed numerous times before added me as a friend. I declined the request and sent the player an inbox stating that I can't really add a player as a friend, is this the right thing or am I being a bit protective?
A&H International
Definitely - one thing i will say is players etc dont have much in terms of consequenses for abusing you on facebook , i have friends on facebook who befriend other senior referees and officials. They have since been told off for posting things as simple as bad game today player x called me an f---ing whatever and went on like that.
Find @FAWOffthepitch twitter, that will give you advice.

Its not great to add players that you know exclusively because you have refereed them, but I wouldn't delete a friend, simply because I have refereed them.

Remember, FA's are big on disciplining players/coaches/clubs that abuse referees on social media. Please please please REPORT it, stating that they bring the game into disrepute. (If you are FAW, link it to the Off the Pitch page)