Ladies First game since October


RefChat Addict
So I had my first game back today since I got injured at the start of October.

Not a great game, and I did feel a little off pace so my performance certainly wouldn't win any awards, but I think that I got the majority of decisions correct.

There were 2 penalties both against Blue, and the first might have been a bit soft but it was definitely a foul, two players went to kick a waist highish ball Purple got their first and blue ended up kicking her.

Anyway, this game, specifically the behaviour of the Blue team has left me wondering why I bother giving up my weekends so that people can enjoy a game of football.

There were 3 cautions, all against Blue, one for dissent after the second penalty (I was in a good position, and 9-10 yds away and it was nailed on), she was talking her self into a red card, but she was lucky that her skipper calmed her down.

In the last few minutes there was some hand bags, I'm not entirely sure what started it but all I saw was a Blue player turnaround and shove/push a Purple player with some force, but in my opinion it wasn't enough to warrant a red for VC.

The game ends, and I go to the Blue coach to collect my flag, he'd been running the line, and he'd been good as gold up until that point. And he says "Are you sending in the cautions" I say "Yes".

He goes on to ask whether I supervised the purple teams substitutions, which I did, although I will admit I was naughty and didn't make them go to the halfway line, but checks were completed as per.

He then says that the 2 players which they had down as subs didn't have numbers against them on the team sheet, which to be fair they don't, but that isn't a deal breaker in the league, and as I take a players name and number in the event of any misconduct I don't rely on them after the match anyway, unless I need to confirm an unusual spelling.

Anyway, he then tries to blackmail me into not sending the cautions in. Basically saying that if I send the cautions in then he will make a complaint about two players not having numbers on the team sheet. I informed him that yes I would be submitting the (at that point in time) 2 cautions, and that I would also be submitting a misconduct report regarding his comments in trying to black mail me into not submitting the cautions. I just replied that he is free to submit a report if he wishes to do so.

Then after that (before I had left the field of play) I got a dissent caution for another Blue player as she walked past and said you're a **** ref.

However, she refused to give me her name, although obviously I can get this from the team sheet. I assume that. Would just submit the caution as normal, without the need for a second misconduct report.

I know it's a relatively long post, but I'm almost done. Although the Blue coach wasn't out and out abusive, for some reason him trying to black mail me into not submitting cautions has really got under my skin. Not in a I'm upset kind of way but It's made me really angry, and I'm seriously wondering whether to bother giving up my weekends to get treated like scum on a football pitch, when I could be at home with my fiancé.

Anyway, rant over

Edited to add, I have informed the league that the Purples missed two numbers off their team sheet, and that I knew about it. But as teams have to send in their team sheets to the league its not a big issue anyway.

The teams hand over their teams sheets before the game infant of the referee and he mentioned it then, as they were running late and he didn't know what shirts they had.
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A&H International
Welcome back ZaZa, don't worry about teething problems, it will take a few games to get back up to speed. I've only refereed Ladies once so cant offer any advice really. As for the legal stuff just send it all in and let the powers that be sort anything out...
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Welcome back ZaZa, don't worry about teething problems, it will take a few games to get back unto speed. I've only refereed Ladies once so cant offer any advice really. As for the legal stuff just send it all in and let the powers that be sort anything out...

Thanks, I didn’t do badly, just a bit rusty.

All the reports will be going in later today, and I’ve asked the league not to assign me to anymore fixtures involving the blue team.

I don’t mind if someone has a difference of opinion on something, bu trying to blackmail someone isn’t heat of the moment, it’s premeditated, and I guess it is a form of psychological abuse.

My reason for not wanting to be involved with the blue team again, is that if this is the way he always acts towards people who give up their weekends so that they can play football, then next time he says something to me is probably say something back.

I don like people trying to mug me off.

The fact he said all of this in front of the Home coach was just bizarre.
..."you're a **** ref" is surely a red card. We can dilly dally about context and wanting to manage players and/or not escalate... but, especially when it's calculated - not even during a fast game moment - that's got to be a red card. "That's sh** ref" is YC but directed at you, describing you... that's off and back to the bus!
..."you're a **** ref" is surely a red card. We can dilly dally about context and wanting to manage players and/or not escalate... but, especially when it's calculated - not even during a fast game moment - that's got to be a red card. "That's sh** ref" is YC but directed at you, describing you... that's off and back to the bus!

I appreciate your point of view and I understand where you're coming from, however, I personally don't feel that phrase is worth a red, however, if there had been ****ing before the **** then that would have changed the colour.

I certainly wouldn't blame anyone for giving a red card for that phrase, but at that specific moment in time it didn't register that it might be OFFINABUS.
I appreciate your point of view and I understand where you're coming from, however, I personally don't feel that phrase is worth a red, however, if there had been ****ing before the **** then that would have changed the colour.

I certainly wouldn't blame anyone for giving a red card for that phrase, but at that specific moment in time it didn't register that it might be OFFINABUS.
My trouble is I can't tell what **** means, if it's twit then ok but the c bomb? giz a clue.......
I think i've heard them all over the years, generally if said in jest and no-one is offended, move on, if its OFFINABUS and directed, at anyone but especially at you then you should be freeing that red cherry straight away!, Man, woman, kid, if they are old enough to understand its use then they'll understand the consequences! Spoil the game, hell yes!!!
Now that you have told him you will report his blackmail, he is likely to report something to discredit you or damage your reputation.... The sooner you put your report in the better.

A few seasons ago I sent a manger off in a game. He initially refused to eave and held the game up for a few minutes. I was asked after the game to not report it and I politely declined. The following day I received a call from my refsec saying he had a report from the manager saying I threatened to abandon the game before it started for some silly reason and I was disrespectful to him and a few other untruths. The refsec wanted to know my side of it before he responds. Luckily I had already put my report in for the incident which our refsec had not received yet. As soon as I explain this to my refsec he said no need to explain any more and my report is sufficient. The fact that my report went in before I heard about the manager's report showed my intent wasn't to counter his report but to just state facts.
Now that you have told him you will report his blackmail, he is likely to report something to discredit you or damage your reputation.... The sooner you put your report in the better.

A few seasons ago I sent a manger off in a game. He initially refused to eave and held the game up for a few minutes. I was asked after the game to not report it and I politely declined. The following day I received a call from my refsec saying he had a report from the manager saying I threatened to abandon the game before it started for some silly reason and I was disrespectful to him and a few other untruths. The refsec wanted to know my side of it before he responds. Luckily I had already put my report in for the incident which our refsec had not received yet. As soon as I explain this to my refsec he said no need to explain any more and my report is sufficient. The fact that my report went in before I heard about the manager's report showed my intent wasn't to counter his report but to just state facts.

Thanks, my report was submitted last night, and we have to let the League know about any caution sand misconduct etc.

Not all the details, just that something has been reported
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I actually sat down and had a quick flick through the leagues rules etc, and as far as I can tell unless he makes up some big fat whopper of a lie there's nothing he could report me for.

I had the names of the players, which is all the LOTG require, and the competition rules place the onus on each team officials should they question a particular players eligibility to play.
I can tell this has got to you Zara but honestly don’t worry about it. You’ve done the right thing mate, all you need is the players name. He was trying to wind you up and unfortuantley people like him ruin our enjoyment. On to next week and it will be easier !
However, she refused to give me her name, although obviously I can get this from the team sheet. I assume that. Would just submit the caution as normal, without the need for a second misconduct report.
One thing that I don't think has been mentioned yet, you should always include that the player refused to give their name. This is considered to be an offence in its own right and for which there is an additional sanction (unless things have changed since the last time I checked),
One thing that I don't think has been mentioned yet, you should always include that the player refused to give their name. This is considered to be an offence in its own right and for which there is an additional sanction (unless things have changed since the last time I checked),
Thanks, I did think that, but wasn’t 100% so emailed my RDO to check and he advised to just submit the caution with the name on the team sheet.

I take it the normal process would be submit the caution, and a separate misconduct report for refusing to provide their name?
Thanks, I did think that, but wasn’t 100% so emailed my RDO to check and he advised to just submit the caution with the name on the team sheet.

I take it the normal process would be submit the caution, and a separate misconduct report for refusing to provide their name?