Foul in game


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
I'm back after a mini break. Anyway today's game.
White's player got tripped on half way line, just about to blow for it but BEFORE I blew the white player picked up the ball for the FK. I then gave the FK to other team for handball. Was I right?
A&H International
I think so, yes. Maybe you could try and sell it for the original free kick if you wanted too, but no, i think you were correct :)
No, you weren't unfortunately. What's the first offence? Has an advantage been gained between 1st & 2nd offence
Gotta agree with Dan I'm afraid. First offence was the foul. Should have given that
If the foul was first. He may have handled the ball because of the foul. Even so you can't just ignore the foul.
hhhmmmmm...got to agree in Law that the first foul is the one that should be taken.

But is this one of those situations where the player is deciding whether there is advantage to be played or not?

You see it a lot, especially at the higher levels of the game - say, a player running with the ball, defender holding/leaning/otherwise making life difficult. Referee is watching but allowing play to go on as the attacker is headed towards the goal - then attacker stops and appeals. Ref gives the foul, and surprise surprise, the DFK is in that player's favourite spot to curl one in the top corner.

What do you guys think about this?
First offence is the one that gets the FK, I'm afraid.

To answer Matty's question: who is the advantage there to assist? It's the attacking team so if they don't really want their advantage, then let them have the free kick.
Always delay the whistle a few seconds after the ORGINAL free kick has been noticed, to see if there is an advantage (advantage, not just possession) to be gained; if there is, arms up, and a nice loud PLAY ON ADVANTAGE!, if there isn't blow for the original free kick.

In this incident, unfortunately you were incorrect. You noticed the first foul, looked to see if anything was coming from it, nothing did, so it should have been given.
At our first course, Level 1, we are told to count to three, if no obvious advantage develops in that time then blow for the first foul. The three count is the longest we are supposed to let play go before committing one way or another.

As an aside, one of my assessors last year told me never to shout 'Play on, advantage'. His reasoning was that 'Play on' signalled that there was no foul, but shouting 'advantage' signals that I have noted the foul and the offender.

I now either keep quiet or use a simple 'No' when players claim an infringement that wasn't there, and 'Advantage' when there is one but play continues.
On my course (a while back), training workshops and assessments etc... The advice is always to shout PLAY ON ADVANTAGE! I have always done this and never been pulled up on this.

I can see where you are coming from. Play on! Is incorrect, just on it's own, as it suggests you have not recognised the foul. However, with PLAY ON ADVANTAGE, you are telling the player to keep going, but you have noted the foul, and the advantage is being played.
So it's an FA thing then. Fair enough.

Our assessors/RDOs keep it simple - if there is no foul, no need to do or say anything - if there is, act accordingly.

I use a clear 'No!' when a player appeals simply so that he knows straight away I have seen nothing wrong.
Yes advantage does not say there was no foul, it says "I saw the foul but you've got the ball so carry on playing." As Dan says, it requires the above-stated call.