Getting back into refereeing - staffordshire/west mids


New Member

I was a referee for a few years until 2001. The levels have changed since then so I'm not sure what level I was, but I did get 1 promotion.

My questions are:

Because it's been so long since I did a game will I need to qualify again?

Also, I've moved since 2001 and I'm unsure which fa to join. I live in kingswinford which is sometimes classed as Staffordshire and sometimes west midlands! Can you just pick an fa or is there a catchment area?

Any guidance would be appreciated.
A&H International
My advise would be to contact Staffordshire FA explain the situation and ask them for advise in what to do next.

The RDO would be very pleased to have you on their books and I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms
Hi Tim
Welcome to RefChat

If you've been affiliating each season, you'll be fine to pick up where you left off. If not, iirc you'll need to re do the course.

As Dave said, you'll need to contact your RDO. As for which one, I reckon it could be Birmingham FA as it has a huge catchment. If not, they'll soon be able to advise if it is Staffs you'll need to get in contact with
honestly if they haven't got back to you by tomorrow morning i'd call them, get the ball rolling. there numbers 01785 256994
Tim, I was a Class 1 ref back in the 90's and I packed up in '99 due to work/home pressure. In 2004 I decided I wanted to come back, got in touch with Birmingham CFA and Dave Shelton said if I'd called him 6 months earlier I could have been accepted back as a Level 7 (the old Class 3) but as it was over 5 years since I'd refereed (and been registered with the FA) then I'd have to pass the exam again. His one concession to me was that I didn't have to wait 12 months before applying for promotion.

For some reason at my course I was giving out practical advice as well as the tutor!!

Nowadays the exam goes hand-in-hand with refereeing games, so you'll be straight back into it even if you need to become a student again!

Good Luck!!