I don't count cards but...

I’m more than happy to bring the cards out when applicable, the bottom line is I’ve had not one challenge in 5 games that is even close to a card & I haven’t had a single word of dissent aimed my way, either I’m lucky or my excellent game / man management is shining through :D
A&H International
Will be good to see what your first assessment feedback is. Usually find that a lot of newer referees, in my experience, aren't calling enough for their liking! -Mind you, this season was the first time I've ever seen a referee get told to rein it in a bit, because he was a bit too card happy! :O
Will be good to see what your first assessment feedback is. Usually find that a lot of newer referees, in my experience, aren't calling enough for their liking! -Mind you, this season was the first time I've ever seen a referee get told to rein it in a bit, because he was a bit too card happy! :O

Listen your talking to a referee that gave offside from a goal kick so I’ve got a million and one things to improve on, but amazingly I’ve just had the best natured most respectful games lately both teams have been out to play football & ive had nothing more than the odd moan or grumble zero dissent whatsoever.

Funnily enough bumped into a fella I used to know growing up I knew he refereed years ago & got speaking to him at my game the other day he is ex level3 he didn’t criticise me at all really maybe he was being nice lol
Isn't it rotated Tino? If you had those fixtures last year, seems unlikely you'd get them again this season. :)
The Sunday league definatley isn't. As for Youth county finals i have no idea.