Open Age Injury incident on Saturday


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
Had a League Senior Cup fixture on Saturday, player slid in on another, but player ends up dislocating his shoulder, so no magic sponge is going to sort this, also no club physiotherapist / trained person to assist.

Cue, opposition centre back who is a 'personal trainer' who says he will help him. My biggest concern is the safety of the player hurt and I dont want him getting more hurt by someone who is potentially a doctor who trained himself on Google, its serious injury and the poor guys arm is stuck in an awkward position. I get reassurance from players that he is trained.

The player is happy for the opposition player to assist and after a few minutes of manipulation... CRUNCH (I heard this from a distance) the shoulder pops back in. The player does not play any further part.

I submitted my match card to the league this morning and also to make the league aware what happened, even if it is to make sure the guy is okay and to check on his welfare, should any claim be made from the league.

I am not sure what else I could have done in this instance, refuse the player any treatment from the opposition player and demand an ambulance, I made sure with the player was he happy with what was happening and he was.

If it was a higher level, then the club would have a trained medical professional, no issues, but at a district level, its a can of cold spray and thats it.
A&H International
I suppose the player would have been happy with any help he could get ...if someone offers and the player accepts , there is not much else you can do ...
I would hope human decency takes over in these situations and the person offering to help knows they are capable and not going to do more damage.
Unfortunately, insurance issues prevent you from allowing the opposition player to carry out medical treatment. You can either have an ambulance come on or you can have him taken off by his teammates and have him wait for an ambulance on the sideline while the match carries on.
I agree with Ryan - however how do you stop it? Voice your opinion but what are you going to do, physically stop him?
"I'd rather you wait for the ambulance for insurance purposes. If you try and do something and it doesn't go right, the league or you could end up in some serious trouble."
I think if the player is happy to have another player help and the helper is not mis-representing himself (eg by pretending to be a doctor) then all talk of insurance (at least in the UK) is fairly irrelevant, it certainly doesn't "prevent" you from allowing one player to help another.

As referees we all did a first aid course and whilst most of it is advice to put someone in a safe place and position and call an ambulance, we were told about resuscitation techniques and how to stop bleeding amongst other things. If we are not supposed to use these why were we taught them? If someone is bleeding severely are we supposed to say "I'd rather you wait for the ambulance for insurance purposes"?

In addition by advising someone not to get help that is immediately available, are you not putting yourself in a position of potentially exacerbating an injury through inaction?
McTavish: not sure what course you did but you don't need a first aid badge to referee, nor is it our responsibility to know first aid.

Also no problem in player treating him if they both agree. Insurance not your job and a verbal contract is binding. If both players agree then let them crack on
McTavish: not sure what course you did but you don't need a first aid badge to referee, nor is it our responsibility to know first aid.

Also no problem in player treating him if they both agree. Insurance not your job and a verbal contract is binding. If both players agree then let them crack on

Ooops - I was thinking of my coaching course...