It was all going so well...

Ref Luke 2203

Active Member
Level 5 Referee
I had my fourth and final assessment of my level 7 to 6 promotion quest. The previous 3 assessments were good, getting better with each one. I had done a few higher level games recently and loved it with confidence high. Then today happened...

Sunday league cup game, some minor dissent in first 15 mins. This then continued where I warned the player again. First issue: I let it go until the 60th minute before cautioning and stamping it out. By this point im regaining control rather than keeping it.

In first half, a big shout for a handball and a penalty waived away. I did not see it. Issue 2: i positioned myself at the front post rather than back where I would of had a better view of the CAR and probably seen the handball.

In second half, tackles start coming. One of which was high foot making contact. I give a caution. Observer accepted this but said it could of gone either way on another day. Next issue: my handling of the caution was awful! Admittedly panic happened where isolating the offender, name, explain and caution went out the window. I allowed myself to be swamped by players and even the manager came over (acting as CAR/physio at the time).

I was told fitness, positioning to make decisions (keeping up with play etc.) was good. Whistle technique was good but should be used more at flash points or issues. And communication with players was good despite there communication with me not always being politely reciprocated (nice way to put it...).

Shame to end on an observation like that but onwards and upwards. Kind of glad an observer was there to advise on what to do next time though. Definitely some good advice on what to keep doing and how to improve the rest. 17 matches into the minimum of 20 required. All observations complete. Now to carry on with the season and hopefully end on a high!
A&H International
Well first off well done on getting through that, and you on you reflecting on your own performance.

I personally believe, this is something you will nurture with time and quickly learn the sooner and firmer you deal with dissent the easier your life will be (in theory!!). I think it is to your advantage that you had an observer on a game like this so he could offer you the advice you need to mend your skills and work on the areas you need to develop.
Kind of glad an observer was there to advise on what to do next time though. Definitely some good advice on what to keep doing and how to improve the rest. 17 matches into the minimum of 20 required. All observations complete. Now to carry on with the season and hopefully end on a high!

That's what we are there for! Not only do we observer your performance for reporting to CFA for promotion purposes, we are there to identify your current development issues and, hopefully, provide solutions on how to deal with them.
That's what we are there for! Not only do we observer your performance for reporting to CFA for promotion purposes, we are there to identify your current development issues and, hopefully, provide solutions on how to deal with them.

Was very good to be able to talk through the issues at the end and get the constructive feedback. That would of been a game I mulled over for a while had I not of had that support. Still thinking a bit now. Definitely one where I cant wait for Sunday to get out there again and move on. Tough game but now ready with advice on how to handle the next one like that better!
Well first off well done on getting through that, and you on you reflecting on your own performance.

I personally believe, this is something you will nurture with time and quickly learn the sooner and firmer you deal with dissent the easier your life will be (in theory!!). I think it is to your advantage that you had an observer on a game like this so he could offer you the advice you need to mend your skills and work on the areas you need to develop.

I think my big issue was I didnt adapt to the game. As I mentioned, I have had a pretty good run all season where talking and communication with players has worked and a few bookings for dissent on the way. I think I may of got complacent and set in a way where I presume the same response from all. Unfortunately looking back this was definitely not the case and should of went quickly to yellows (and probably reds had i started booking sooner). But thats what observations especially at this level are for. Some great advice from a calming voice after that was very much appreciated!
Having an oberservation on a Sunday league game is a tough gig! We’ve all been there though, all you can do is learn from it
Touching on something other than the game, you said it was your 4th observation.

Our booklet for our county said a minimum of 3 games (which I've now had). Is each county different or should it be 4 matches?
Touching on something other than the game, you said it was your 4th observation.

Our booklet for our county said a minimum of 3 games (which I've now had). Is each county different or should it be 4 matches?

My county states the minimum is three, but they carry out four which allows more chance of getting some development points and incase you have a bad game in your first three, your fourth can help you in your chase for promotion.