Player misreads where the touchline is and takes throw in 3 yards inside the field of play.


Active Member
We had a bit of a chuckle in one of the games where there player took a throw in about 3 yards inside the field of play. He genuinely lost his bearings and was embarrassed as he tried to blame another line on the field which only he could see šŸ¤£ The actual throw was fine. How should play be restarted? I would have thought that the throw in goes to the opposition, but everyone from both teams was happy with a retake from the same team.
A&H International
A retake would be appropriate. Since the throw hasn't technically occurred under the basics of Law 15, that's what I'd go with too. You could also argue that it was a "foul throw" for that reason but the players would think you were a bit anal ... ;) šŸ‘
A retake would be appropriate. Since the throw hasn't technically occurred under the basics of Law 15, that's what I'd go with too. You could also argue that it was a "foul throw" for that reason but the players would think you were a bit anal ... ;) šŸ‘
You say the throw-in hasnt occurred but the player has already thrown the ball to his teammate at which point play was stopped because he threw it a few yards inside the field of play. A few spectators were suggesting that the throw should be overturned, which tbh I thought they may have had a point but the players were just having a chuckle and reset to their positions waiting for the retake. In this occasion it didn't matter much but there are matches where the players get a little technical themselves and want the correct decision to be made otherwise they'll be on your back throughout the match. Hence why I ask, by law shoukd the throw be overturned and given to the opposition?
It's technically a foul throw so awarded to oppo.
In reality I think most would allow a retake
Totally agree on the technical answer.

As far as wink-wink-nod-nod retake, for me it depends on how understandable the error is. (I'd also typically stop someone doing this before they actually throw it--tweet-tweet--"yellow line back there" (with a smile)
This is where a bit of common sense helps.
Similarly if he had thrown it underarm from the right place to a team mate on the field to take the throw we don't call it a foul throw. Yes he didn't intend to take the throw in but intent is not in law 15.
You say the throw-in hasnt occurred but the player has already thrown the ball to his teammate at which point play was stopped because he threw it a few yards inside the field of play.

I still say that technically, the throw-in hasn't occurred. Others might see it differently.

The player has picked up the ball and brought it on to the field of play before even beginning the process of throwing it from behind and over the head etc. (in compliance with Law 15). That's not a "throw-in".

In any event, whether by letter of law or spirit of the game, you made the right choice to order a "retake". :)