Players Swearing


Well-Known Member
Level 4 Referee
Obviously if a player swears directly at you, it would be a red card for OFFINABUS... But if they swore at another player, would/could you send them off for OFFINABUS too?
A&H International
I had a bit of a dispute today. One manager told his player to man mark an opposite player, but he took it literally. Where ever on the pitch, he was following him, very closely. I had my eye on this, but he didn't actually commit an offence. Eventually, the player got angry, and pushed him away. The player was ready to react, but I got in just in the nick of time, and calmed it down. Words were exchanged, but both players were the same, so I had harsh words with them both, and made them shake hands. I didn't take action, because I think it goes on too much, and if I took action every time, then no match would ever end with 22 players of the pitch. Just after that, I had a club lino tell me that one player had swore at him, so I had a word with the player, but I also told the linesman I can only act on what I see (or hear). So in that situation, no, I did not send them off.
Yes, and I have done before. They swear at another player it's still OFFINABUS
Yup, it doesn't specify in Law that it has to be directed at an official to constitute OFFINABUS. I have to admit I am a little lenient when it comes to, what I think of, as 'conversational language'. ie, two defenders sorting out an issue between themselves 'cover me Bill, he's too fkin quick to through balls' etc

But if it's getting a bit loud, I'll have a quiet word "Watch the language lads, there's kids around/this is a public park" etc. If it is aggressive, or angry and directed at me or a player then the cards come out. I think swearing has become more a part of 'everyday language' and has to be treated as such and the context needs to be taken into account.

My first game ever as a qualified official saw me on the flag for a one-sided senior league game. The score was at 6-0 to the home team, when I had to flag an away attacker offside - he was through on goal as well - Ref blew it, attacker walks towards me 'I wasn't Lino!" "Yep, just half a yard fella, but you were" As he turns away I get the "Aaaggghhh F### Off!", wasn;t shouted AT me , nor was he looking at me when he said it. Ref heard it and came over to me - "Did he just say what I think he said?" I said, "He did, but in fairness, if I was in his position and 6-0 down after 30 minutes, I would probably be a bit louder and more abusive!" Ref went and had a quiet word with him, obviously told him what I'd said 'cos I got a sheepish thumbs up from him and the game went on.

He did get booked for dissent later in the 2nd half though. lol

(Was so one-sided it was 8-0 at half time, but finished 10-2 in the end)