Promotion Query


Level 4 Referee
Hi all,

A couple of questions that im trying to clarify but struggling to get hold of my RDO.

1/ Is there any way of me getting a list of the games that ive submitted via google form.

2/ Ive been lined up for a couple of double headers. Now ive been told to do this the games are being shortened to 30 mins per half, do they count as two games??
A&H International
1/ err, probs not - best you keep your own records of games you;ve done and submitted - an RDO or senior ref will call this "Admin"

2/ DH are bit of a nightmare. Yes they are two seperate games, treat it as if they are seperate days / weeks / seasons / nationalities. What happes in ne game must not be, or allowed to be carried over. You give a RC in the first game, they can play in the second. Might be worth, at your pre match team talk, to draw the line in the sand that they are two seperate games, not just one lone 4 period game, so whatwver happens in the first, you do not want to see it drwn over into the second (thinking the LB keeps getting nudged and by the end of the second game he's had enough and lumps him one!

Most are shotened to 30 per half, with a reduced HT an 10 min turnaround between games. Effectivly for you it is a game plus ET (2 hours) so just be prepared for your nutrition and hydration. It might sound like only an extra 30 mins, but it will feel like more.

And there are two sets of cards / match reports ya de ya....... and get paid twice (although some reduce it per game as you're on a double ie £40 instead of £25 each etc but check with the league and make sure everyone is aware.)