Removing shirt


Work hard, stay humble
Level 6 Referee
If a player is being substituted and while leaving the pitch removes his shirt and angrily throws it on the floor does that warrant a caution and if so what for?

It happened in a friends game yesterday so thought I'd ask I here
A&H International
No caution for me, removing the shirt only comes under goal celebrations IMO unless the player is really ugly/ hairy chested then caution for unsporting behaviour ;)
I wouldn't caution for that. As mentioned by others the only time you are obliged by law to caution for shirt removal is after a goal celebration, so all you will achieve by that is causing more issues. Let the manager and subs deal with the stroppy player!
I was told about the incident after the lads got home so immediately got out the magic book
LoTG say no caution for taking the shirt off, could rub salt in to his wounds and caution him under C1 Aggressive Attitude - Would be harsh and I wouldn't. No caution is best answer here IMO
I'd agree SM, that's time wasting for the sake of it. The original post described a player throwing teddy from the pram and having a hissy fit as he grudgingly mooched off. I'd let him go and be done with him, let the club take away his crisps & pop as a punishment lol