Speaking your thoughts


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Just a thought, do you think speaking what you think is a good idea.

Example, player A makes a great challenge and team B are claiming do you ignore the shouts or shout " GREAT TACKLE"

Also player A has a great shout which is then saved by the keeper. Do you say "GREAT SHOOT GREAT SAVE"

Just thinking it might break down a few barriers and help with communication with the players
A&H International
I used to do similar. Particularly when there was a "questionable" tackle. I'd make it clearly known that i thought it was a good challenge.
Oh, every time! Great challenge, good header, good battle, great save etc etc. Depends on the game though. Some games don't want anything like that, so don't. Use it to aid your match control!
definitely! it helps to show you are awake and are watching the game but obviously dont be shouting it for everything some will take exception to it aswell
Agree - try to break down barriers whenever possible - use the 'great tackle' comment audibly to myself sometimes when I can see a player coming in for a tackle that could go either way ... got caught out once, albeit in a friendly - a team was advancing down the pitch, I was anticipating an offside, and found myself saying out loud "mind the off-side" - which was heard by one of the defending team near to me - oops !!
I always do this, even when I'm on the line and winger/full back are going past me "trying to swap shirts" I shout "No fouls, no arms!" and they try and play fairly then.....
I do it all the time, as stated it aids match control and IMO players don't tend to react if you make it clear you've seen it and think it's good. I don't know about others but I always have a bit of banter with the players if the game is going well, compliment good shot or save or a bit if a joke if they spam it miles wide, just try to appear a bit human to the players rather than an emotionless bloke in the black. Equally I would not do this in a game that I had to stamp down on the discipline.
Good tackle is probably the line I use most! I don't usually comment loudly on shots/saves etc, but I do say 'great shot'or 'you might score next time' etc quietly to a player.Makes is more personnal and therefor you get greater respect.
As with Reffari, I comment on a players' performance quietly to them or, on occasion I'll say to another player 'that number 21 is on fire today' or something like it. In terms of shouting when there's protestation but no fouls, I usually just yell a big "No!" or "I'm happy with that!" I don't usually go for "Great tackle!" or otherwise simply because I don't want to inviting a debate on whether or not it was a 'good' tackle or a 'bad' tackle. I don't give the value judgement so that they can't argue about what happened, only my perception of what happened -- which I will be right about every time.