Stepped approach or caution?

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I'll admit UKIP aren't my bag so I don't keep up to date with their political shenanigans, but what do they do and or say that is so abhorrent?

Leaving aside things that individual party members may say or do I'make not aware of the party approaching anything remotely resembling the likes of Britain First etc.
You'd be surprised. Read up and get educated.
The Referee Store
No, I just don't like racism!

Or the people who hide behind the argument that they were only "joking" as an excuse for posting racist insults.....and those who protect and apologise for them when they should be deleting it.

But hey, at least this has place has nailed its UKIP colours to the mast.....we all know where we stand.

Now UKIP is a racist party is it?

You're beggars belief sometimes pal.

Critisize other's for racism (quite often based around generalisations) and then generalise the 3rd largest party in the country and its 4 millions supporters.

Quite the argument :rolleyes:
Racism - a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

So would any of these constitute a "the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others"
  • Insist on there being one law for all – British law - British law better than all others?
  • End the use of multi-lingual formatting on official documents - English language better than all others?
  • Remove funding from public bodies promoting multiculturalism - British culture better than all others?
  • Support British HGV drivers by charging foreign lorries extra to use our roads - British lorries better than all others?
  • Allow British businesses to choose to employ British workers first - British workers better than all others?
  • Prevent access to EU schemes which encourage businesses to hire foreign workers - Foreign workers less capable than British workers?
I could go on but I'm bored
1. So not wanting to introduce new laws to appease people who have chosen to move to this country is racist now?
2. I don't think expecting people who want to move to the UK to learn English is racist.
3. That's a fair observation, there is nothing wrong with promoting multiculturalism.
4. Taxing foreign lorry drivers to use our roads sounds a bit bonkers to me, but similar things are done in other businesses, such as subsidising so that British goods can be bought cheaper.
5. Another good observation, employers should be able to hire those best suited for the job.
6. See number 5

I agree with some of what you say, but I don't think any of those are inherently racist.

Do you vote labour, or read the Guardian by any chance?
This has nothing to do with stepped approach. :) (yes I know I also wandered off topic...)

Mod fork unsheathed and applied. :)
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