Will coloured kits be allowed.....

A&H International
Here in Scotland we have the choice of black, blue and yellow (plus last years grey one). I wish I had to have just black, I feel it looks much smarter.

At the moment I only have 2 tops, the black and grey but I've just been told my Sunday game that the home team play all black. Let's hope the away aren't in grey or I have a problem.
@Dave87 I think if the worst comes to the worst id wear the bib. We have a new kit out next year with navy, yellow, Blue and red (apparently as it hasn't been confirmed) so I'm not wanting to spend £45 now, when if i wait 3 months I get a new one for the same price
The decision was made before Christmas. Having taken the view of varous RAs and County FAs around the country, the overwhelming result was to stay with black shirts and for County associations to more rigidly enforce regulations on teams wearing black or very dark shirts
for County associations to more rigidly enforce regulations on teams wearing black or very dark shirts

last week, i refereed a schools friendly where one of the teams were wearing dark blue

after being passed to, twice, by this team, i opted for a yellow bib
I think it depends how it is administered. Here we have four colours, and are given the preeferetial order iwith which to choose:
1: Yellow
2: Black
3: Red
4: Blue

Each team has to register their first kit colours, and away kit colours at start of season, so we have an idea of what to expect on match day, although we all take all four shirts.

We also have a black, sponsored warm-up shirt, so we get to see and check the team colours during warm ups.

Back in the change room, having checked the team colours, we select ours using the above order of prefs.

So, all three of us are always seen wearing the same.
Down here in Wellington, there isn't an expectation that we get red and/or blue, although most of us do.

Having coloured shirts could be a shambles, but in my opinion it works well here because the two colours we are expected to have are very clear, and if you are a ref with ARs, you can expect them to arrive at the game with a black and yellow shirt. It also helps that the yellow and black are provided free of charge thanks to sponsorship from a company with yellow and black corporate colours.
Down here in Wellington, there isn't an expectation that we get red and/or blue, although most of us do.

Having coloured shirts could be a shambles, but in my opinion it works well here because the two colours we are expected to have are very clear, and if you are a ref with ARs, you can expect them to arrive at the game with a black and yellow shirt. It also helps that the yellow and black are provided free of charge thanks to sponsorship from a company with yellow and black corporate colours.

Hey there! Yep, WaiBOP run the finances a bit differently ot moist NZ Federations - in that we get a smaller match fee, but equipment provided - the Yellow, Black, and Red shirts are provided, as are shorts, socks, training tops, bench jackets at half price, and Federation shirts for travel/arrival. Also, we get travel expenses, whereas I believe some Federations pay the full match fee, and all your expenses are yours to bear.

This year though I think they have decided to switch to paying higher match fees, with kit being at our expense - which is OK for those of us who were given all new stuff last season, but not so hot for new refs. The shirts are about $65 each!
Does it really matter what colour we wear? As long as it is easily distinguishable from both teams and their GKs?

'I'm wearing black, the other 22 people on the FOP have to change to suit' doesn't wash with me sorry. I am there to facilitate a game of football, we are there for the players aren't we? Or have I got that wrong? Are the players there so I get to referee?

Hey, you're shirts have a lot of black? No worries, I'll wear yellow. I'm only one (or 3 with assistants), you are 10, plus subs. $67 per shirt, for me, $700+ for the team to get different, numbered kit. I get a match fee, they don't (a couple of clubs pay players, but generally not).

In an affiliated competition, I'm happy to wear whatever colour suits the game in question - it just has to have the NZF logo on the chest, the ASB logo on the sleeves and be made by Lotto! (Sponsorship - doncha love it!)

Non-affiliated, I have worn a Man Utd Away shirt, a black T-shirt advertising beer, and a Fred Flintstone shirt in blue, and once a bib sized for a 10 yr old. Noone ever had a issue, I was easily identifiable, they all still called me 'Ref' and stopped when I blew the whistle.

I realise there are regulations in the UK over it, but really - does it matter? Will it affect the result? Will it affect our performance?

We got some pre-season games on Saturday, weather is supposed to be up around 25-27 degrees, clear skies, in a country almost directly beneath the hole in the Ozone layer - black is the last colour anyone would want to wear!