Recent content by Alan Collins

  1. Alan Collins

    Refereeing and glasses....

    I'm looking into the possibility of laser eye surgery in the near future. Until then, I am still waiting for sports glasses (well, money to buy them, anyway, as they don't come cheap!!).
  2. Alan Collins

    Bad game?

    Thanks for your advice and support guys!! I have my course tutor to thank for that - after cursing (a lot) on the way home, I allowed myself some time to "chill out" before going through the self evaluation questions provided in the BRC folder. Haha!! If I wasn't so nervous, I may have been...
  3. Alan Collins

    Bad game?

    What do you do after you've had a bad game? Yesterday morning I had my first game as a referee, as a last-minute favour for a friend (their ref pulled out shortly before kick-off) - and as such I was on my own (in as much as I didn't have a mentor present because it was short notice). I made a...
  4. Alan Collins


    Hi everyone! I'm Alan and I'm a level 9 trainee with the Kent FA (I passed my Basic Referee Course on Thursday night). I'm looking forward to learning from the experiences of the more experienced referees here as I embark on what I hope will be a long and enjoyable future in refereeing!