deusex's latest activity

  • deusex
    deusex replied to the thread Level 4 - What Happens?.
    I'm not sure saying "L4 refs should be paid £10 an hour minimum for the time they sacrifice on a Saturday" is quite "I'm motivated by...
  • deusex
    deusex reacted to OnlyUseMeWhistle's post in the thread Level 4 - What Happens? with Like Like.
    Don’t worry I’m perfectly capable of moaning about the fees at level 7 too! 😂 Baffles me that in my old county I’d get paid double the...
  • deusex
    deusex reacted to GraemeS's post in the thread Level 4 - What Happens? with Like Like.
    Exactly. It baffles me how many referees who have been through those higher levels go out of their way to argue in favour of low fees...
  • deusex
    deusex reacted to GraemeS's post in the thread Level 4 - What Happens? with Like Like.
    Not to get too "on a high horse" or anything, but another thing that occurred to me is that poor payment only reinforces a history of...
  • deusex
    deusex replied to the thread Level 4 - What Happens?.
    As a person that travels for my full-time job, I am ABSOLUTELY paid for my travel time. How could my work send me on a 4hr round trip...
  • deusex
    deusex reacted to GraemeS's post in the thread Level 4 - What Happens? with Like Like.
    I'm genuinely not having a dig here, because I know this isn't just your opinion and is one shared relatively widely, but you just...
  • deusex
    deusex replied to the thread Level 4 - What Happens?.
    Very interesting thread this. This sounds like one of those companies that offers unpaid internships with the faint hope of a job at the...
  • deusex
    deusex reacted to GraemeS's post in the thread Level 4 - What Happens? with Like Like.
    I got somewhat shouted down last time I said this, but L4 is at least in part designed as a test of commitment for higher levels. Are...
  • deusex
    deusex reacted to OldNavyRef's post in the thread Level 4 - What Happens? with Wow Wow.
    It is just a long day. Games can be an hour away. Need to be there 90mins early, plus leave some wiggle room for traffic. I find...
  • deusex
    deusex reacted to OldNavyRef's post in the thread Level 4 - What Happens? with Haha Haha.
    Having run the line regularly on the supply league. It is a massive step up in commitment. Be there 90 mins early, an observer and a...
  • deusex
    Having watched it again it seems pretty clear from his body language that the referee doesn't think it was a red card real time. He was...
  • deusex
    deusex replied to the thread Refs in trainers.
    The equivalence is the chewing gum!?! At this point you're trolling surely?
  • deusex
    deusex replied to the thread Refs in trainers.
    So you concede it is unprofessional. Thank you, that's all I needed. For the record I'm not that bothered if you chew tobacco. It's...
  • deusex
    deusex replied to the thread Refs in trainers.
    This is a straw man argument. No where did I state a job interview is a football match. In fact, pretend this isn't a refs forum. Forget...
  • deusex
    deusex replied to the thread Refs in trainers.
    Yes agreed. That's how an analogy works.