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    • J
      joeref replied to the thread Achilles Tendonitis.
      As a long-time ref and former sufferer of exactly this pain, I'd suggest you consider one self-treatment option - triggerpoint...
    • J
      Again from the left side of The Big Ditch... Wow. And I thought we had a problem with coaches in the US! In 25 years as a referee and...
    • J
      joeref replied to the thread New earrings at u12 girls.
      One of our elite assignors; a young woman, used to wear earrings when she refereed - after all, what could possibly happen🤪? She took a...
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      joeref replied to the thread U8's non competitive.
      Again, over here in US, year after year, state after state, we lose 50% of our new refs within one year of training, and 50% more the...
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      joeref replied to the thread Junior/Youth Sleep on it..
      Pierluigi Collina, usually regarded as the best referee ever, said that he never refereed a game in which he did not make a mistake. He...
    • J
      joeref replied to the thread U8's non competitive.
      From the other side of The Pond... Wow! Dismissive! Here are my two cents (excuse me: "pence") worth... Sorry, but it's not about...
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      joeref replied to the thread Corner Restart.
      IMHO, restart with a team off the field is a bad idea, no matter what. Warning, then coach caution, makes more sense to me. Plenty of...
    • J
      joeref replied to the thread Thresholds with the bench.
      On this side of The Pond we're lucky to have marked TAs for any game below U-18! When I Center, I mark my own TAs with flat practice...
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