Quarryref's latest activity

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    Quarryref reacted to JamesL's post in the thread MOAS emails with Like Like.
    Everyone I know didn't get the email notifications. I'm surprised there hasn't been anything sent out from the FA. Lots of people might...
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    Anyone else having issues with the MOAS confirmation emails ? My April fixtures are on MOAS, but no emails so only knew they were there...
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    Quarryref replied to the thread Trouble in Paradise.
    Rugby is often lauded as getting things right, and it is in a much better place on some things - general player / official respect and...
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    Quarryref replied to the thread WSL/WC referee fees.
    Last post on this, because it's going nowhere., You've completely misrepresented what I have said and then put in quotes something I...
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    Quarryref replied to the thread WSL/WC referee fees.
    You are entitled to your view - no problem with that. You are not entitled to call me a sexist just because I disagree with you.
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    Quarryref replied to the thread WSL/WC referee fees.
    No. I'm calling BS on that one. It's absolutely not and that's a lazy argument. I'm talking about what I think is 'right' and 'fair'...
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    Quarryref replied to the thread WSL/WC referee fees.
    Equivalent level of referee currently assigned to WSL games. i.e. not Michael Oliver et al They are also already closer to PL pay than...
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    Quarryref replied to the thread WSL/WC referee fees.
    They are not paying lower fees at the moment. They are already paying higher fees than to the equivalent level of referee (to be clear...
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    Quarryref replied to the thread WSL/WC referee fees.
    Err....as a level 3 I get £65 per game for a middle .... ?? Plus most of the top WSL officials referee across men's and women's...
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    Quarryref replied to the thread WSL/WC referee fees.
    Of course fees are set in line with what is affordable by teams (not the same as clubs) at that level of football. The argument was...
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    Quarryref replied to the thread WSL/WC referee fees.
    Being able to afford something is not a logical reason to be charged it. Match fee based on the club owner's bank balance is wrong
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    Quarryref replied to the thread WSL/WC referee fees.
    The nonsense would be different fees based on different attendances in the same league. There is precedent for uplift for televised...
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    Quarryref replied to the thread WSL/WC referee fees.
    The gauge has to be financial sustainability, which means costs go up as revenues go up, with a 'fair' distribution to all participants...