The Ref Stop

Players taking a drinks break


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
Injury happens to player on red team, physio comes on.

Treatment is over it’s a free kick to red team. I blow whistle and plays starts, I then realise there are 4 players from green team having a drink on the sidelines. Red team go through and score.

Could I have done anything different apart from notice that the players were getting a drink and told them to get on before starting?

The Ref Stop
No. They left without your permission by the sounds of it. That's stupid of them, and they could get booked for that if you follows the LOTG to the extremes.
No. They left without your permission by the sounds of it. That's stupid of them, and they could get booked for that if you follows the LOTG to the extremes.
Depends. Had the left the field, or were they standing on the field drinking and just not ready to play.

Injury happens to player on red team, physio comes on.

Treatment is over it’s a free kick to red team. I blow whistle and plays starts, I then realise there are 4 players from green team having a drink on the sidelines. Red team go through and score.

Could I have done anything different apart from notice that the players were getting a drink and told them to get on before starting?

Tough to evaluate without being there. I think it is reasonable for teams to expect a warning and a reasonable opportunity to be ready if a physio on the field for treatment. How much warning and how much time to get ready is reasonable depends on a lot of things, including how long the delay was.
For me the obvious thing to do would have be to take a second to check that everyone was back on the pitch (hindsight is a wonderful thing).

Maybe you were overly attentive to the injury? Another ref advised that once the physio is on, walk away and monitor the treatment, as well as other events on the field.

If you missed 4 players going for drinks, you could potentially miss an incident of VC or other shenanigans.
From a match control view I would suggest you give a loud whistle and say ‘let’s go fellas’ . While standing on the free kick. Once they move back to position move into your position while telling kick taker on my whistle pal.
Did you make the player who was treated leave the field of play?

Yellow card for the tackle so didn’t require to.

From a match control view I would suggest you give a loud whistle and say ‘let’s go fellas’ . While standing on the free kick. Once they move back to position move into your position while telling kick taker on my whistle pal.

Yes, I should have noticed them but I didn’t. So I moved into position and blew whistle for kick to be taken and it happened quickly. I then noticed as they were complaining but too late technically in law to then stop the game and restart again. But perhaps I should have done that.
Don’t do what you see on TV and stand with the injured player chatting.

If you are on your own, one of your main tasks is to keep as many players as possible in your view as much as possible.

This is why you pace the wall to the outside, why you adjust your position at corners etc… same at injuries… best place is a few yards from the injury facing the be benches. Bonus - once you are 6-8 yards from the physio it is much more obvious when they scream dissent at you.
I have been in a similar situation before. It's not a technical mistake but a game management mistake. The team with free kick took advantage of it and went on a promising attack. That's when I realized what happened and stopped the game immediately. The attacking team moaned a bit but bought my apology and explanation of me creating an unfair situation and if they score a goal it has to be a fair one.