The Ref Stop

Dissent (too lenient)


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Just going to do my (weekly) concern from my last couple of matches on Sunday if that's okay as had afew issues , especially with dissent.

So first match I had my first assessment u12s. All pretty good. Recommended new whistle and also being careful not to crouch down to look closer at decisions but to try taking a step either side to get a better angle. Lots of positives so I was happy.

I then went immediately into a U15 game which for large periods felt like the best I'd reffed. Happy with my foul recognition.

Issues were regarding dissent:

In the 20th (ish) minute home team attacker wanted a foul in a tussle in the box - nothing doing. Shouted ref , I said no and turned my back to get a move on with the counter attack.

I then heard "my boots come off you B end, you D head. " when I turned he was staring at me with hands in the air.

I ran over and said " I hadn't noticed your boot was off (not sure this is relevant anyway) but you have no right to call me a dickhead. He looked in disbelief and claimed he was talking to the player that he had the tussle with rather than me. I issued yellow and sin binned. This was my first sin bin and in hindsight if I thought he was talking to me.i imagine I should have sent off? Maybe I was put off by jumping straight to red for dissent before ever giving a yellow.

Throughout first half there was alot of needle and I heard a player say to team mate - snap him next time. I found individual and said if I heard what I thought I heard (I knew I heard) he'd be off next time. Again , maybe too lenient?

Lots of "come here then you *****" while jostling for corners .

I had some great replies about selective hearing but most of this was pretty clear and wonder whether I should have really made an example of some of them.

Ended up dishing out 3 yellows and felt like I probably did both teams a favour . All calmed in 2nd half .. just feel as though I just want more control next time out as can't be doing with 80 mins of moaning.

Cheers guys

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The Ref Stop
U15s to U18s can be the most challenging in terms of player behaviour with young men getting bigger, faster and swearing more - at themselves, opponents, teammates - but still immature. I've had a few times the last two and a bit seasons with occasional comments that might have been directed at me at this age group. When I've heard it AND seen it I've sin-sinned (nothing bad enough to be OFFINABUS) but when there's been doubt I've let the player know I heard it, or heard something, and that they're fortunate I'm can't be sure it was directed at me.

Swearing at each other I can tolerate at this age group as long as it's within boundaries and a) isn't discriminatory and b) stops shy of being OFFINABUS. Needs active management though so it doesn't escalate, which easily happens at this age!
Seems a good call for dissent to me.
One thing though, I'd advise against saying "next time it's red" as you are kind of commiting yourself. I'd use " don't make me make a decision" or something like that.