Empathy and humbleness, an acceptance from the start that you, ( like them), are not perfect, however to the best of your ability you will remain consistent and appear neutral.
No clue in your post to your own age range, and that makes a big difference to your potential issues, if you are 16 yourself, there will be perceived notions you will have to overcome, that will be different to someone mid 30s, so I wont dwell too much on that.
You need to remain strong enough to make the big calls correct, and human enough to hold your hands up and confess you were unsure at the clash ball throw in, ( note, a very limited number of times, not every call!)
Players will accept that you are doing the best you can, your working with them, they will loose faith in you during the game if you are displaying a holier than though attitude, esp when its obvious to all and sundry that your call(s) are wrong
You wont see everything or get every call 100%, so, dont go out there thinking that you will, and dont drive home after the game dissappointed that you did not.
But get the big calls, treat the players with respect, take your own personality into the game with you and get them to buy into you the person, as much as you the referee
get a feeling asap for the tempo, skill level, intentions of the teams, tactics ( sweeper going to sit back and appeal for offside all day/team constantly trying feed the left winger) and mentally get a step ahead.
Above all, the most important thing, is to look forward to your game, and enjoy your game
Without the enjoyment factor, why would anybody partake in a hobby?...
pre match make sure you know where you are going, arrive in good time, be aware of comp rules, and be approachable, get team lines if lthats the league rules etc
stay hydrated
Half time, stay hydrated.
End of game, rehydrate
Make sure got match fee
post match, make sure team lines/discipline reports away to right place
Reflect, what went well, what was ok, what could have been done better and why
lots of folk will have 100 bits of advice and thats just a brief outline of some of the things I came up with their to kill five mins, there be plenty i missed out, and some you will read and pay no heed too