Fitness/Training Routines


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi everyone!

What does your fitness/training routine look like?

At the moment, I am refereeing 3/4 games on a Saturday and then (almost) a game every day besides that. So that is more than enough to keep myself fit.

What are you doing to stay fit at the moment?

What do you feel are the most important aspects to a referee’s fitness, too?
The Referee Store

A good place to start would be the "My Life as a Sports Scientist" podcast in the "My Life on the Line" series to which I linked. John Westbrooks is one of the sports scientists working for PRO (the US version of the PGMOL, of which Howard Webb is general manager). John walks through a sample week of what the PRO referees do. It's not overly in-depth (proprietary information and all of that), but it's a start and would give you a free baseline for designing a program.

(Disclosure - I have no affiliate with the site. I just think what these guys are doing is a good thing) The RefCoach site also has some 6-week workout programs John designed. They are $30 AUS, which was about $24 USD or about 17 GBP under current rates. Not a bad investment at all if you don't know where to start and want to follow a set program. I've also set up a Google spreadsheet that helps compute distances for the 15 second repeat interval and minute per mile pace for the 3 minute on/2 minute off interval program. I can share a copy of that in this thread.