Fog - what are your thoughts on it


Forum VAR
Staff member
Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
Over the weekend we had a bit of fog up here. How bad does it have to be before you'll call the game off?

Personally, Iike to be able to see goal to goal. I know other colleagues are happy if they can see a goal from the half way line

Your thoughts?
A&H International
I had similar problems and went with the goal to goal option. One end had trees behind it so the goal stood out against the background. The other had open space so did begin to disappear quickly. However being U13 I was able to just push the game through. Had the game been any longer then it would have been an abandonment.

I work on the goal-to-goal principle simply because it avoids a farce. It allows the goalkeeper and defenders to see all of play fairly. I do not believe in the "I can see across the field" principle that some coaches (including Sunday's) and commentators - think Liverpool-Arsenal League Cup game a few years back - ascribe to. That can lead to farce.

As an aside, Sunday also revealed to me the most annoying sound in football. THWAP! The noise made when coaches raise their arms to 90 degrees and let them fall and hit their sides in "exasperation" or "disbelief" that a throw-in of all things has not been given their way!

(If you are not sure on the sound try it yourself, and then imagine three coaches doing it simultaneously!)