The Ref Stop

Importance of Societies


  • NO

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Yes, but rarely go

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Yes, I am a regular attendee!

    Votes: 14 66.7%

  • Total voters

Charlie Jones

Work Until You Don't Have To Introduce Yourself
After another excellent evening last night at my local RA meeting - it has made me wonder how many are actually members of a society, and then how many go to meetings on a regular basis?

this is only my second year in a society, never bothered before - and im starting to feel like a should have from the start! I also don't know why these are pushed onto new referees more? The sociable side is great and the experience/views you get from all different levels and ages of refs is outstanding ...

amazing side note also, the Barking & Dagenham Society is now 1 of 4 associations to receive the Quest Silver accolade!
The Ref Stop
Good meeting at York last night. Darren England speaking and good attendance, with member from other RA attending.

Mods - could we have a post publicising the dates of the various RA meetings as a pin? I am sure RA meeting would welcome other societies members to their meetings.
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ociety, and then how many go to meetings on a regular basis?

this is only my second year in a society, never bothered before - and im starting to feel like a should have from the start! I also don't know why these are pushed onto new referees more? The sociable side is great and the experience/views you get from all different levels and ages of refs is outstanding ...
I've never been a member - it was pushed on me fairly hard when I first started, but some other referees I spoke to gave me the impression that my local RA at the time was a bunch of retired and near-retired referees telling stories about various horrible players they'd sent off 30 years ago. I don't know if that was a fair assessment or not, but it didn't really appeal.

Since I've moved to Essex, I've been to a couple of events at my local RA, along with a couple of events organised for local promotion candidates. It's definitely more appealing, and I've started to see the benefits to socialising with other referees. I was intending to sign up after the last event, but didn't get round to it, then got injured etc etc. I'll probably make another attempt to sign up before this month's meeting, as I'll be on the verge of returning from injury by then and it may well help me get back into the right mindset before I take to the field.
Good meeting at York last night. Darren England speaking and good attendance, with member from other RA attending.

Mods - could we have a post publicising the dates of the various RA meetings as a pin? I am sure RA meeting would welcome other societies members to their meetings.
Great shout, and done
Disappointed with my local RA - granted the local league near me is reasonably small. We meet monthly but it isn't really productive and there seems a real lack of willingness to change. I've been involved in discussions to try and change the format and have more productive sessions but those "in charge" don't want to listen. The secretary from the RA has now moved from the area, before that he only attended 1 meeting.

It's a shame, I qualified 5-years ago, granted I have a few seasons out due to working abroad but in that time only 1 new face has joined. I know other referees, we have a Level 4 up the road, but he has never attended a meeting (part of the CORE group so made his progress without involvement with the RA).

In the whole time the RA has been operational I've been told they have never had a guest speaker.
I go to my local RA in Cornwall. At the moment, we have 16 members (Which is the highest number in the County I'm led to believe). I think they are fantastic. We get the politics of being part of a society out of the way, we then talk about our games and incidents, then we have the scenario session which is fantastic.

It is brilliant to see (but often frustrating) to hear other referee's interpretation of scenarios and incidents.
Local RA is fantastic, we are blessed with a decent number of supply and contrib teams locally so can get out to watch our colleagues perform. Other sessions are good too, I wish I'd got more involved sooner.
Our downside is our geographical location. I can count on one hand the amount of level 3 & 2's in the county :(