Is it wrong to send off 11 y/o's?

Callum Everatt

New Member
Level 8 Referee
I was refereeing an U11 game on the 21st, it was a comfortable win for Team A against Team B, 9-0 (we'll say that for privacy).

During one attack by Team A late on in the game a player (we'll call him Defender 1) took the attacker out by pushing/tripping him. When I was talking to one of the players about something he shouted out "I did it on purpose, I had to do it to stop them scoring" so I immediately dismissed him from the field of play for deliberate denial of a goalscoring opportunity.

I know it is a sending off offence but their 11 so should I have sent him off?
I think the only reason I'm questioning it is because of the rarity of red cards in my league.
A&H International
Sorry you sent off for dogso because the player said he did it on purpose to stop him scoring? That does not mean its dogso.

Yes send of all the U11s you like
No this doesn't sound like it was a red
Show me in law where it says DOGSO has to be deliberate? You need to seriously expand on this situation for it to make sense.
It says he took him out. If there was a relatively short distance from goal with no other defenders able to cover but bearing in mind he must have been running in the direction of the goal then DOGSO all day long. Fair play to the kid for admitting it - makes a real change from regular players! Obviously if that is not the case then be VERY careful with DOGSO - get that wrong and you lose match control.
In regard to the OP question, no it isn't. Many members may disagree with me (not that we want THAT discussion again!) but Law 12 does not change for different age groups. If they deserve a card, get it out. What harm is teaching them early going to do anyway?
Before deciding it's an OBVIOUS goalscoring opportunity (OGSO) that has been denied you need to consider a few factors

How far was the player from goal? An 11 year old 35 yards from goal does not have an OGSO
Was the player heading towards goal?
Did he have the ball under control or was he the person most likely to bring it under control?
How many defenders were there between this player and the goal?
What level of skill did this player have? Considering his/her age, the player's skill will be influenced by this

Once you have the answers to these question can you start to think about whether it was an OGSO.

For me the player would have to be less than 15 yards from goal, with the ball fully under control with only the goal keeper to beat, in this age group in 99/100 cases.