Open Age last but one

mike mcgill

level 4 & cfa assesor
Level 4 Referee
well its the last but one match for me tonight ,Notts senior league Attenborough v cotgrave under lights and finish off the season at a glorious div 2 match on Saturday before a short break then get some running in ready for fitness test 8th June................. aaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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A&H International
Well ive just had 8days in Morocco sun sea sand beer and food but iam relaxed fly home tonight first running session weds night argggggggh
I had a three day festival in the days before the test last year plus no preparation due to injury. Being extremely hungover as well as a lack of recent exercise meant I really didn't feel too well afterwards! Still passed though!
52 grandad more aches than I care to remember just got to go for it and should be a 4 too .
Should have done it years ago too much politics
Yes mate I know but nose face spite comesto mind but things also come to he who waits (hopefully)