Match availability


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hello I am new to refereeing. I was just wondering after I have completed my course how do I apply for matches. Is it my setting availability or applying for matches.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A&H International
Generally, you’ll have to contact a league near you, this could be a juniors, midweek, open age etc.

You should be able to register with that league with the referee secretary (of whom you can obtain the contacts details of from your Refereeing Development Officer), and then they will inform you on how to submit your availability for that league, and recieve appointments.

Well done on taking the course - i hope you enjoy it as much as we all do
During the course you should be told how appointments work in your area (systems vary). There are plenty of games waiting for you!
If you are not told, ask the people running the course.
Generally, you’ll have to contact a league near you, this could be a juniors, midweek, open age etc.

You should be able to register with that league with the referee secretary (of whom you can obtain the contacts details of from your Refereeing Development Officer), and then they will inform you on how to submit your availability for that league, and recieve appointments.

Well done on taking the course - i hope you enjoy it as much as we all do
Thank you!