New DOGSO law

So when the attacker rounds the keeper and has an open goal - why on earth wouldn't you deliberately bring that player down? Caution AND you save a goal!!!
If the GK pulls the guy down by clearly holding him (ie, no clear attempt at the ball, or a hold on the body rather than an ankle in a missed swipe at the ball), then that's still red.
A&H International
To be honest though, how many DOGSO's have you given anyway? Personally i have given one in 5 years so it really doesn't bother me either way.
Clearly many on here will be using it to shirk the difficult decisions and protect their club marks.
Again not sure why there is any surprise over the way the law change is being applied by our professional game colleagues.

The whole change was driven by professional clubs and leagues solely for the purpose of preventing their highly paid players missing games for such offences.

Padfoot, you seem to be saying that IFAB is easily manipulated by the "big boys" in their framing of the Laws. An odd assertion, since these same big boys have been screaming for video referees since about 1970 and IFAB has only now consented reluctantly to an experiment with such a system after nearly 50 years. The IFAB may make mistakes (they are only human beings after all), but I see their choices motivated by a desire to make the game better and more attractive to watch, and they largely succeed. Compare some of the constant changes in other sports with the careful tinkering of Football. IMHO the game is in good hands.
Padfoot, you seem to be saying that IFAB is easily manipulated by the "big boys" in their framing of the Laws. An odd assertion, since these same big boys have been screaming for video referees since about 1970 and IFAB has only now consented reluctantly to an experiment with such a system after nearly 50 years. The IFAB may make mistakes (they are only human beings after all), but I see their choices motivated by a desire to make the game better and more attractive to watch, and they largely succeed. Compare some of the constant changes in other sports with the careful tinkering of Football. IMHO the game is in good hands.

If you believe that this law change was motivated by anything other than the financial greed of the elite leagues and clubs then you are incredibly naive.
@Padfoot can you ever post anything without bringing a players intelligence into it? Its getting a little boring now.

@CapnBloodbeard this is a good point because this will actually happen. Take a keeper for instance, he knows he can come out in an all of nothing way and be safe in the knowledge that i either win the ball or give away a penalty but wont be sent off and i may just save the penalty. Worth the risk?
Clearly many on here will be using it to shirk the difficult decisions and protect their club marks.
"Copping out" of a decision that benefits only one team will result in an almost equal and opposite reaction from the opposition, i.e. The non-offending team will reduce the mark by as much as the offending team increases it. In fact it's likely at Supply and above that both teams will penalise the referee.
I welcome the decision in that gives the referee more discretion in the matter. The genuine "foul" that happens now does not gave to be punished by a red card. The hack down, pull back, push which are only an attempt to foul is still a red card. Referees make decisions and sure the current law has been flakily implemented with all sorts of out clauses over the years such as going away from goal, lack of possession etc. I believe that the change will simply make legal the caution that is issued in such circumstances. The important one is that cynical professional fouls must be punished in line with the law. Referees know what is a genuine attempt to play the ball and what is not.
This is a red card inside or outside the penalty area
Inside the penalty area this can be a caution ITOOTR
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