One of those games

Ryan Owens

Token Colonial
Level 3 Referee
High School girls;

In the 65th minute of the match, I dismissed Mr. XX for behaving irresponsibly in his technical area. Prior to his dismissal, Mr. XX had been making loud, continued and dissenting remarks from his technical area onto the field of play; at the time of his dismissal, Mr. XX accused me of being unfairly biased against his team by saying “You sure have something against us, don’t you.” After this statement, he was asked to leave the field of play and its immediate surrounds. Mr. XX did not leave immediately but continued to shout at me on the field of play and demanded that I “print my name” on the game sheet, and informed me that I was “disgusting.”

After the match, I was forced to ask Mr. XX his name as he did not put it on the game sheet as is required. He refused to give me his name when I first asked and it was only after asking a second time that he told me. He then called me an “ass” in front of several of his players while walking away, saying loudly “If you wanna be an ass, I can be an ass too [sic].”

The dissent (by which I mean literally screaming onto the pitch) started because I let the other team take a free kick for an offside that was on the goal line from about eight yards off the goal line (bear in mind, that the coach's team was losing by one goal with five minutes left and I thought it would be better to let the play get going than waste time moving the ball back eight yards), and then his final comment was made over the direction of a throw in (that his player conceded had in fact come off of her). Oh dear, oh dear.
A&H International