The Ref Stop

Referee Scorecards


New Member
Level 6 Referee
I'm getting my equipment together for my 1st official referee game, & one thing has came to light that was not covered as part of my basic course was how to fill in the Scorecards?

There are different formats on the various suppliers websites, so I'm confused as to why this is & to how you fill the sheets in? Obviously, I'm aware that keeping a record of the team names, date, competition, goals scored & cautions is necessary..............but any advice would be most appreciated

Thanks in advance
The Ref Stop
Hi Claddagh,

Just do what is best for you. It will take you a while to figure out how and what works best for you, and how to fill in. As long as you know the score and any names for subs, cards is fine, nobody will every check your match sheet.

I personally write all cautions direct onto the yellow card before showing it. I record reds in my note book along with goals and subs, unless I have NAR then they write goals and subs and I will only get my pencil out when showing a card.

Also as for the different types of match sheets available you will find after time you will prefer one over they other, I use a different sheet for refereeing than when im on the line.

Hope this helps
As mentioned above, most cards are different and you will get used to using a certain one.

What I do, is take ALL players' surnames down from the teamsheet before the game, including substitutes.

This makes it much easier if you need to issue a caution or sending off. Ask the player's surname, locate it on your scorecard, then insert his first name next to it (based on what he tells you - IMPORTANT to ask HIM his first name and not just get it off the teamsheet at the end.)

With regards to subs, when they're ready to come on, you can just say "What's ya surname mate?" and tick off the corresponding name on your score card.

Also, when cautioning, it's IMPORTANT to take your time, ensure you have noted down the time accurately as well as the offence for which you are cautioning that player. If you don't keep an accurate record from the start, it can get a bit messy if you end up having to send them off for second caution, as in your misconduct report you have to explain both cautions and you might forget which was which if you've given a few out and not kept an accurate record.

It's just something you'll get used to doing - but remember that players wait for you when you're recording things and understand you have to, so don't feel embarrassed taking them extra few seconds to get it right.

Hope this helps :)
Yep, wot Jordan said - if you are noting things down then take your time and make sure you have the necessary info. We have a slightly different process with teamsheets, where the coaches give us a standard card with names and shirt numbers, subs, and in the higher leagues, names of people allowed in the technical area.

During the game:

GOALS: Shirt number/time/team
SUBS: (if need to record) #off/#on, time
CARDS: shirt # / name/offence/time

Personally, I don;t write the names down beforehand, as I usually don't have time, but I do have the team cards locked away so if anyone gives me the wrong name, or their shirt # doesn't correspond with the card there will be consequences!

Post-game, we complete the teamcards with goalscorers and cards issued - sign them and hand them back to the coaches who counter-sign and submit to the league. I have got into the habit of taking a picture on the phone of both cards for my own records, just in case.

At home, misconduct reports are completed and sent, which are then cross-checked with the teamcards when they arrive at HQ. The MC reports need the player's full names, shirt # and offence codes etc - so make sure you make a note of ALL relevant details before you leave the ground! (done that once - caused a right mess).

As far as your own match cards go, you will find a method/system that works for you. I know guys here that just take a blank piece of paper in their notebook, others that use masking tape on the cards and write shirt # only when issued.

Personally, I use a pre-made write-on match record, that works in all weathers and can be reused.
With that all said as you are from Birmingham County not too far from Worcestershire, I wouldn't think you would get team sheets in advance, and names will not match the numbers on the team sheet either.

It is important that you record the following:
First and surname, if the say Tom you must ensure its Thomas as this is what is recorded at county
Reason code i.e C1,C2 etc..... Also it is good practice as Jordan said to ensure you make brief but clear notes on the offence, as you may need it. I normally record time, offence code and then what it was for i.e Foul Tackle, late tackle etc... In terms of dissent you must record the actual words/actions used, although if the game ends and you just have the caution for dissent you do not need it, but if you caution the same player and dismiss them you will need to put them words/action in the report.

Also with Foul & abusive language you must record and report the exact words used as best you can. i.e if he called you a F***ing Cheat you must put the full words into the report.

Any other advice or questions u have ask the forum the guys on here are great and will help you out.
Just noticed Matty's "Advantage leading to goal" statistic in his signature - love it! Must add it to mine.

Back on topic, just one note on what Steve said... he's correct, you need to know their actual name and spelling, so don't hold back in asking. One thing I would point out though, is not to automatically assume that someone who says they're called Tom is actually called Thomas etc. I say this as my brother is christened as Matt, not Matthew. Just be sure, it's much easier!
One thing I would point out though, is not to automatically assume that someone who says they're called Tom is actually called Thomas etc. I say this as my brother is christened as Matt, not Matthew.

True that - I was christened Matthew, but have been 'Matt' for so long that I have been told I can probably use it as my legal name now.

Also, my Dad was christened 'Tony', but he has a hard time convincing official-type people that his name isn't Anthony. In his 70s now and still gets mail addressed to Anthony!
Hi Dave,m Sorry it's taken a wile to respond, I've been busy with our big tournaments week here at end of season - 8 games in three days, full day tomorrow and then Thurs and Friday as well!

Here's the link:

there is a video on that page that shows you how easy they are to clean and reuse, I find I get around 8-10 games out of each card (they are double-sided) .

There are also some Bundle offers on that site with wallets and pens etc as well.