The Ref Stop

roll on roll off subs - help!


hi all,

Having passed my exam in the summer my season starts this Sunday and the league I am to ref in is taking part in this trial of repeat substitutions (roll on roll off).

I'm sure you are aware a team can name 5 subs who can all be brought on, but the player taken off is allowed to be subbed back on through out the game.

My problem/question is how do I police this? The league rules state I am to be informed of the subs names prior to k.o but not obliged to be given a team sheet. So when a player who has been subbed is to come back on how can I be sure who he is.

In theory a team could do 10,15,20 subs a game, this is not realistic but there is nothing to stop them doing does a ref keep on top of all the subs when you don't know all the names of the players. This is a nightmare.

has anyone got any advice or involved with leagues who do this already and how does that work?

The Ref Stop
My advice would be not to get too concerned. The main thing is to ensure that you carry out the substitution procedure correctly on each occasion and ensure players going off leave the field before their replacements enter.

In terms of names, you don't need to worry about players who become subs by virtue of being taken off, only the names of the original subs. Even then at that level I wouldn't get hung up on it.
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Just make sure you have 11 men on each team, works best for me. :) Don't let team s time waste through roll on roll off subs, remember the substitutions can only take place with your discretion. If you keep everything organised and make sure players enter and leave the field of play on the halfway line you should have nothing to worry about.
Just make sure you have 11 men on each team, works best for me. :) Don't let team s time waste through roll on roll off subs, remember the substitutions can only take place with your discretion. If you keep everything organised and make sure players enter and leave the field of play on the halfway line you should have nothing to worry about.
You don't have to ensure players leave at halfway, only enter from there!
As a junior/small sided team manager & coach whose league practices Roll on/Roll Off subs, I would agree with Smithy...............just ensure there is always the correct amount of players on TFOP & that you have authorised the substitutions to have taken place correctly.............its a positive step by the FA, certainly for Junior games, guess the Sunday League old boys leagues will benefit too if it is being rolled out to Open Age
We have an open-age league with RoRo subs, and the ladies league is also RoRo. Works a treat. No farting around with injuries, player goes down hurt and he subs himself for treatment.
I play with RoRo subs in the Arthurian League on a Saturday. In the league rules, to be able to do RoRo you need to submit a teamsheet to the referee of ALL players taking part in the game. If not, then you cannot do RoRo.