The Ref Stop

Spurs vs Newcastle


Level 7 Referee
Hand down by his side somewhat, but surely thats handball as it wouldnt go to the newcastle player otherwise? interested to hear some opinions on this
The Ref Stop
Spurs play out from the back, get pressed and kick hits pressing Toon player's arm which is in "a natural position". Bounces to teammate who plays in Gordon for the goal.
I watched it on TV live and thought it should stand as not h/b as per law, and it did!
Unfortunately the vast majority of referees give handball any time the ball hits the arm and the player is perceived to gain an advantage.
I've little doubt if the officials had seen it hit the arm they would've given it under the guise of 'safe refereeing' and 'what football expects'.
VAR has to strictly follow the law.
I agree,I'd give handball for it if I saw it. I don't think referee did see it hence under law it was ok.
His arm doesn’t need to be close to his body. It needs to be in a natural position for the action he is doing. I’m not sure where else you think his arm should be?

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I'm going to be a pedant about this for as long as the law is written how it is.

The hand/arm should not make the body unnaturally bigger. If it does then it has to be justifiable, or a consequence of, the movement in that specific situation.

Looking at this image alone his hand/arm is not making his body unnaturally bigger for me.
Hmm, maybe, after looking at the replay etc... in real time, I reckon it's a margin call
From that POV, i'd say its a handball. It seems like the Newcastle player made his body unatraully bigger. He did expand his arm away from body. I don't see how its not a handball.
Seems like a unatraully bigger position to me. No. 7 is literally touching ball with hand. It also gives him an unfair advantage with the hand.
Seems like a unatraully bigger position to me. No. 7 is literally touching ball with hand. It also gives him an unfair advantage with the hand. 🫱⚽
We know the ball literally touches his hand, no one is disputing that.

If you think the position of his arms are unnaturally making him bigger, where do you think they should have been?

Where do laws mentions unfair advantages?
One of those probably better to give, can justify hand outside of his silhouette.

If its on goal line & prevents a goal are you giving penalty & red card?

One of those probably better to give, can justify hand outside of his silhouette.

If its on goal line & prevents a goal are you giving penalty & red card?

No. If you give handball for a non-deliberate handball offence and award a penalty the sanction is, now, a yellow card.
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One of those probably better to give, can justify hand outside of his silhouette.
"Probably better to give" why? The arm is in a natural position, it's not deliberate, and he doesn't score from it.
If its on goal line & prevents a goal are you giving penalty & red card?
a) No, because it's not a handling offence
b) No, because as @JamesL has pointed out, a non-deliberate handling DOGSO in the area isn't a sending off.
For those who want this to be a HB, keep in mind that when IFAB played with the language in Law 12 for a few years they very explicitly said that players are not expected to play with their arms behind their back or pinned to their body. Rather the point of the Hb offense is to prevent players from using unnatural positions to gain an unfair advantage. In practice, I think we’ve made some very natural positions “unnatural” in that we expect a certain amount of care from players beyond purely what would be natural. Judging so,ely from the still as I have not seen video, I’m hard pressed to see anything here that would be more natural than where his arm is—if anything, it would be more natural to have the arm slightly farther away from the body for balance. Again qualifying that I,m only looking at the still, this seems a poster child for what IFAB was trying to define as not an offense.