Too close to the ball?


Well-Known Member
Wondering if anyone has been pulled up for being too close to play. I dont mean being so close that you interfere with play, but close enough that you don't have a wide enough view of the play.
A&H International
I have and I've seen others have the same criticism. Likewise, "unnecessary running" like, for example, always going to the spot of the foul when you make a decision instead of just continuing into your position when you can see that nothing is likely to happen at that spot. It turns out that refereeing is not just about running your ass off but running intelligently. Luckily, I always get told that I'm doing the last one but sometimes I do get too close to play (especially on the sides where I have an AR to support me).
My assessments this season have indicated that I am both not close enough to the ball but also not wide enough depending on which report you read! ;)

They have got to make their mind up which they want !!! It changes with the assessor.
funnily enough, despite criticism on another thread about probert making decisions from 20 yards away, i kept thinking that he was a bit close to play at times...i don't think that arsenal's tiki taki football helped
micky, I have pointed out to referees that by closing down their proximity to play, they not only narrowed down their angle of view but became liekly to become entangled in the action which can lead to embarrassing situations.

Supermonkey, you already have my notes from the scenario you set. If you need me to go through it in more detail (impossible I know), I'll happily do so.