

RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Right lets get down to the nitty gritty. What undies do you guys wear. At the risk of getting a bit graphic I tend to wear briefs (normally a boxer man, but find them a bit too billowy when refereeing!) but find while wearing my leggings in the cold the briefs are falling down! I'm constantly yanking them back up! Dare I go commando!?
The Referee Store
Same as Ross, not literally!

UA cold gear is the dogs proverbials (and helps stop yours disappearing ;))
Normally don't bother as the respect gear I wear is lined. I am upgrading to the Nike kit soon though so might have invest in something.
Learnt to my cost when I first started to wear tighter fitting boxers! Wore some loose ones and it was like wrecking balls smashing against mount rushmore. Not done that again!

The UA mentioned above is great. Gives everything a firm holding ;)
I was putting a little deep heat on my lower back and caught the top of my ass. They should use that in camp x-Ray. It is a special type of hell :devil:
At the risk of giving away too much info, while I was at secondary school there was a rumour going around that deep heating your bits was quite pleasant! Needless to say pretty much everyone tried it at some point, and once you had of course you done your upmost to convince your closest friends it was brilliant. Rather than the crippling pain it actually was!

Also someone I worked with had a a owner in winter and was really cold when hen or out so decided to put a whole tube of deep heat over himself. Said it felt awful so got back in the shower to wash it off. At which point awful became like torture as its near on impossible to wash off and just spread to everywhere on him!