The Ref Stop

what to expect??


New Member
Hi, I'm just about to start my basic refs course next week, unfortunately my initial course was cancelled due to low numbers and the wait is making me a bit nervous so I was just wondering what to expect while I'm on the course?
Thanks Connor
The Ref Stop
You will learn the laws of the game, get some practice in making decisions, how to line and then take an exam on what you have learnt.

Its nothing to worry about, I would recommend reading the magic book LOAF to make sure you understand it.
Our course had a fair bit of practical work (controlling incidents, free kicks, penalties etc.). We even had to do a pitch inspection whilst the pitch was buried under a foot of snow :)
My course also had a lot of practical elements. First went through LOTG, went outside and did penalties, free kicks, corners, signals, line, things like this. It was divided about 50/50 I would say between practical and theoretical.
I guess it varies from county to county, our only practical bits were and Law 6 (the assistant referee) Law 9 (ball in and out of play)!
When I first passed my exam, we had 8 weeks of 2 hours once a week going over the laws no practical or anything.
We had to take an eye test and count some black squares on a bit of card. We than had two exams to do one on paper and one oral talking through our decision.
Its not like that now
@John White did you do an eye test? We didn't have to do one!My course also only had those two practical elements (Law 6&9)
My course ran over 1 weekend, on the Sunday we had the exam! We did 2 exams :- 1 video test which you had to choose the correct decision to make, 2 a multiple choice test. We didn't have to take an eye test either!!
When I first passed my exam, we had 8 weeks of 2 hours once a week going over the laws no practical or anything.
We had to take an eye test and count some black squares on a bit of card. We than had two exams to do one on paper and one oral talking through our decision.
Its not like that now
This was how I did my course in 2000