good smartwatch fo referees

A&H International
I use fitbit for the heart rate tracking and distances. Can also either set it up to be a stop-watch or a countdown timer, which will buzz when it hits the assigned time - handy if you use a second 'dumb' watch for stoppages.

Personally think if you're not using the other benefits of a smart watch you're best off just getting a basic stopwatch though.
That's interesting as I really like mine. What makes you say that?
The HRM gives me a red dry rash on the back of my wrist, the wrist HRM is way out anyway, I'm not convinced the GPS is particularly accurate, the barometer and thermometer are completely useless, the sleep monitoring is a gimmick etc etc
I don't use any of the million and one features, other than the stopwatch and GPS, so I may as well have spent <£100
The technologies aren't good enough to be crammed into the device, so you end up with a device which doesn't do any one thing particularly well
The only reason I’d invest in a smart watch is to find out what distance I covered but then again going Mac d’s on the way home pretty much makes that pointless anyway.
casio from Argos, and tom tom runner as I run as well so I use it to log my distance and use it as watch and use my casio for the stopwatch. On the Casio its cheaper now to get them from amazon than Argos now.
Apple Watch series 3 does more than enough for me

Yes, and me, although I do pair it with my old Polar heart rate strap as that is way more reliable than the Apple Watch wrist based heart rate detection. I've got Vitality health care through work, so as long as I do 12,500 steps 5 days a week (or 30 mins at 70% heart rate / 60 mins at 60% heart rate) I don't pay a penny for it. Had it since December and so far have managed that with relative ease.
Polar M400 is great, especially when you look at the stats through Polar Flow or Strava - would recommend to anyone
whats a good smartwatch for referees
i have the garmin forerunner 305 for 3 years. It's an old model but it's really helpful not only for the matches but also for the training. I prefer to have the setting of the time, for the real time and for the km which are covered. By this way i can use it a timewatch, calculate the extra time and know my physical situation. You can easily find it used in very good condition.