Non-black ref shirts at grassroots


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
I'm refereeing in a summer league, something I haven't done before and likely won't be doing again if the state of this league is anything to go by.

This weekend I'm down to ref a team that plays in black. (I spotted them on a previous weekend and took a photo in case I was given one of their games - the ref was also in black.) I asked the league if this was allowed and they said yes, it's allowed. They said 'nobody can force a referee to wear a bib but we do ask that there be compromise on both sides.' Whatever that means.

So I'm planning to take a non-black shirt with me but I want to check if that's actually allowed? I'm all for being flexible so long as I'm not breaking any rules.

I'm a level 7 with AFA, the league is LFA.
A&H International
“nobody can force a referee to wear a bib but we do ask that there be compromise on both sides” presumably means “we expect referees to compromise!” Have the league supplied you with a copy of the competition rules? If so then referee colours should be stated in these. If not then they may be on the website. If they don’t state other colours then it usually means only black, but then teams cannot wear black. Is the league affiliated?

One of my Sunday leagues allows purple shirts, and our county cups allow yellow shirts, but both still state that teams can’t wear black or very dark blue. It doesn’t sound like a very well run league if that’s their attitude, although maybe they have found teams don’t enter if they’re too fussy. We had a team who wore “red and black shirts” which was actually all black with red pin stripes. When told to change they pleaded poverty and threatened to fold if forced to get new kit, and the league let them get away with it. It caused chaos because we had to wear black at the time

Could you ask the league? If they allow bibs then presumably other colours are ok as well.
They have not given me a copy of the league rules. I have asked,

The league are fine with me wearing another colour. Is it the league that set these rules? Or the CFA? If the CFA won't care then that's fine. I could ask them direct but thought I'd enquire here first.
They have not given me a copy of the league rules. I have asked,

The league are fine with me wearing another colour. Is it the league that set these rules? Or the CFA? If the CFA won't care then that's fine. I could ask them direct but thought I'd enquire here first.
Careful Trip, the traditionalists will be choking on their Weetabix if someone is not wearing Black!! :angel:
when I took my exam this came up in the informal chat session afterwards. A retired ref who now assesses said we are not allowed to wear anything but black but it is always good to have a different coloured shirt in your bag if there is a clash. Spirit of the game. This was said in front of the RDO but we do have a new one now.
Our local football association by-laws ban any club/team wearing black. Its been there since I remember. About five years ago a club got especial exemption for two of their teams on the condition they buy and carry 3 sets of yellow and 3 sets of blue (3 sizes each) clean referee shirts with them to all games. This has worked well. Since then the RA has approved Yellow and blue as part of the uniform and most referees carry a yellow with them as well but black is the main and only compulsory colour.

At state level, every referee is supplied black, yellow, blue and red. No problems there. Mind you there is a hefty annual registration fee.
Do we think we are still Henry Ford here?
Of course you wear a diff colour, even the thought of a ref being in black when the teams are in black is insane.
I do know of a league where clubs cant wear black in the league rules
If a team is in black, you dont wear black. If you only have black then you are not equipped for the task in hand.
If your a car mechanic who turns up off gumtree to fix a car then say to the punter that you only do Vauxhalls, then, again, you are not equipped for the task in hand..
Do we think we are still Henry Ford here?
Of course you wear a diff colour, even the thought of a ref being in black when the teams are in black is insane.
I do know of a league where clubs cant wear black in the league rules
If a team is in black, you dont wear black. If you only have black then you are not equipped for the task in hand.
If your a car mechanic who turns up off gumtree to fix a car then say to the punter that you only do Vauxhalls, then, again, you are not equipped for the task in hand..
Definitely big differences on this issue between England v Scotland and between counties in England. Some counties have become more relaxed on this and have specified a particular alternative colour that is now acceptable. Others have not and are, rightly or wrongly, rigidly sticking to black only for referees. No idea what the AFA stance is, so if I was in your shoes @Trip, I'd check with your county before agreeing to switch to another colour. Whether we see this as right or wrong, certainly not worth getting in hot water for.
If the league rules that no team can play in black, but they do, thats something to report
Of course you as referee need to wear another colour. A cheap nasty yellow will cost you ten quid on ebay.
The lotg trump any local directive on what you can wear, as does common sense
Of course you as referee need to wear another colour. A cheap nasty yellow will cost you ten quid on ebay.
The lotg trump any local directive on what you can wear, as does common sense
This isn't about cost. Or about fashion sense. Personally I'd be very positive about wearing colours other than Black. But for as long as all my 'employers' (the FA, my Supply League and my County FA) say that I should only wear black then black it shall be.
Thats crazy. You wearing all black when team in black?
Can you explain how thats even remotely sensible?
Are you robotic or you got a mind of your own?
You think you be expelled from refereeing for having the audacity to wear a colour that did not clash with a team???
My fav referee of all time once did a top flight game in front of 10,000 folk with the three of them in light blue polo shirts
He was of course asked to explain his actions by the desks, and his reply was....
"Did I have a good game and does anybody care apart from you?"
There was no reply from the other end of the phone
And then he simply hung up the phone.

And yes he continued at the very top for years to come.

Wear a dress if you must, just differeniate yourself from the team(s)
Thats crazy. You wearing all black when team in black?
Can you explain how thats even remotely sensible?
Are you robotic or you got a mind of your own?
You think you be expelled from refereeing for having the audacity to wear a colour that did not clash with a team???
Personal insults .. nice :)

I take my refereeing career seriously. If my county FA bother to send out a mail to all their referees saying that Black is the only allowable colour, then I will bother to adhere to this. Far more concerned about their view of me than any particular team that's decided to flout their league rules by purchasing a kit that contravenes them.

Obviously, part of refereeing is being prepared. So I'll always try and ascertain team colours in advance of a game. If it's clear there will be a problem then I'll certainly contact my FA in advance to take advice.

But Ciley, you wear a dress if you like! TBH, I think we've both been clear in our points of view and @Trip can make up his own mind now :)
Well, it's banned here. Teams wearing black I mean.

We had a local team try to play in black and the guidance that came back was that a referee absolutely must not start the game. The local team had a green and black striped alternative kit, so there wasn't any issues eventually. I think the matter was sent to the local league to deal with following the county rules as well.

Thing is, the non-black rule has been in the book for since before I was even qualified so clubs don't have any excuse for turning up in a black kit. Uniform for referees has always been 'only' black here, I imagine it helps keeps costs down for the local referees but also maintains a semblance of unity across the league structure.

Of course, your mileage may vary depending on your area tbh. :)
Maybe the Scottish refs could wear tartan kilts with their own CFAs corporate colours! Pants optional of course! :confused: