Where to put the bag?


New Member
I have my first game tomorrow. It’s an U14 league game. I’m a tad nervous but nothing for it now. Just one thing I’m wondering.

Where do you put your bag if no changing rooms?

Behind/next to a goal? Touch line between the two teams? Somewhere else?

Also, I have a county cup match on Sunday...bizarrely with one of the same teams as tomorrow! Any advice there/something I should be aware of doing the same team two days in the bounce?

A&H International
In your car (assuming you have one), trust no-one....

Don't take any memory baggage from previous game, clean slate... new game!!!
Not between the two teams. If both teams set up on one touchline, you want to be on the opposite side. If they set up at the half-way line on either side, then you want to be pretty much at a corner. Teams may/will talk about you at half time, and you don't want to be in a position where you might hear OFFINABUS at half time and then be forced to either pretend you didn't hear it, or show a red card that no-one is expecting. Much easier to just remove the possibility of hearing it by setting up away from the teams/managers.

I've had myself taken off where I ended up doing a match and then the reverse fixture 2 days later, but it's a bit different if you're talking about Saturday/Sunday teams. There may be player crossover, but it's also possible that two seemingly associated teams might actually be pretty distinct. Just go in with as open a mind as you can manage.
I don't agree, leaving your bag nowhere near either team will possibly result in it getting nicked. Ask the home team to look after it, if the game is troublesome just get over there after to grab it straight after the final whistle.
I have my first game tomorrow. It’s an U14 league game. I’m a tad nervous but nothing for it now. Just one thing I’m wondering.

Where do you put your bag if no changing rooms?

Behind/next to a goal? Touch line between the two teams? Somewhere else?

Also, I have a county cup match on Sunday...bizarrely with one of the same teams as tomorrow! Any advice there/something I should be aware of doing the same team two days in the bounce?

Hi ReferC
Hey don't be nervous tomorrow. Well done on training to be a Referee..

Welcome to the team in Football that has no fans but you will make comrades all over the world.. remember 3 teams on the pitch, court, or sands of play.. the superb team the referee/referees..

Take as little as you need tomorrow with you in your kit bag. If you don't drive or have a vechile.. in the kit bag, flags if you have some, whistle, cards red & yellow, watch/watches, pressure gauge if you have one, coin any coin will do for the coin toss, Pump if you have one, comfortable footwear to get you round the pitch and obviously a refs kit..
When you turn up to the ground depending on how far away you live..
You could turn up in your refs kit...just wear different trainers/different coloured socks and a different coloured hoodie if you have one, including different coloured shorts or track suit bottoms. This way if there is a changing room you can just change quickly and take the bag to the pitch. If there is no changing room/rooms try and find a local cafe with a bathroom (w.c.) to change in.. I have done this before.. you should also have a bottle of water and fruit or at least a snack in your kit bag for half time...keep your self hydrated and nourished very important. Don ' t ever get changed pitch side..
Your bag can be left in the changing room/ club house if this facility is available as groundstaff or people associated to the club will either lock it away for you or keep it behind the tea or club bar..
If you go to your match 1 hour before kick off.. dressed in the manner I have suggested at least you will know what facilities if any are available... If no facilities available find the nearest cafe.. then once you are changed ask at the cafe if they are happy to keep your bag for you? Oh up to you how you are dressed though.

If cafe unable to look after your kit bag, take your bag to the pitch.. but keep your phone, pass for public transport if you use public transport, or bank card, take very little monies with you and ensure that your hoodie, track suit bottoms or different coloured shorts and socks are out of the kit bag.. this way should the kit bag go missing.. at least you have some clothes to go home in. And many will think you might be a footballer because you have different coloured shorts/track suit bottoms on and you have the means to get home.. bank card/ public transport pass etc. Not recommended to go home dressed as a Ref... you might warrant some unpleasant comments.. better looking like a footballer.. so I have been told..
Oh keep your keys on your person too..
What time is your match tomorrow?
If you are not comfortable with the county cups appointment on Sunday.. do inform the county cups appointment officer there should be a number for you to call. Be honest and apologise you could request to be swapped to a different match somewhere else..it's fine to be nervous..
Your in charge,,, stand 8 feet tall.. smile and blow the whistle...strong positive body language and a healthy dose of positivity.

Do hope my comments have helped..
Best of luck for tomorrow...on your first ever match...

You will be just great...

Try and not worry too much..
Thanks for everybody’s advice!

The match has been called off for lack of players! Hopefully tomorrow’s will be fine. I’m not too nervous to do it - it’s just another game after all - was just psyched up for this one!

I’m recovering from an injury though, so at least this way I can do the match tomorrow and not let anybody down the following day if it resurfaces!
In your car (assuming you have one), trust no-one....

Don't take any memory baggage from previous game, clean slate... new game!!!
Do you keep your car keys on you then while reffing? I’d find that quite irritating!

In the few games so far I’ve just left my bag wherever round the pitch but I think I will start asking to leave the bag with the home manager if no changing rooms are available.
I mainly ref in youth (u12-u16) and the facilities vary greatly. I always go prepared for no secure changing room. I have my kit on with a smart track suit over the top. If I’m not certain about security I will leave everything I don’t need in the car and just have my car key on me. If it is a new ground to me I will ask the home manager about facilities when making contact at start of week.

In practice, I mostly will leave my bag on the side between the two teams, I make a point of asking the home manager “can I leave my bag here”. I don’t ask them to “keep an eye on it”, but by asking they at least know whose bag it is.

In respect to overhearing something I don’t want to after the match, I don’t hang around in that area. At half time I will get my drink and go back to the middle of the pitch. At full time I pick my bag up say goodbye to the home manager (if we are still on talking terms :) and leave. I’ll put my track suit back on somewhere else.
Thanks for everybody’s advice!

The match has been called off for lack of players! Hopefully tomorrow’s will be fine. I’m not too nervous to do it - it’s just another game after all - was just psyched up for this one!

I’m recovering from an injury though, so at least this way I can do the match tomorrow and not let anybody down the following day if it resurfaces!
Good morning ReferC
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise..
Good luck for tomorrow then and pop a.post here reporting on how you get on.. tomorrow is the county cup..match
Make sure you have read the competition rules for that match.. very important.. smart attire tomorrow for that county cup round.
QUOTE="ReferC, post: 129333, member: 3309"]Thanks for everybody’s advice!

The match has been called off for lack of players! Hopefully tomorrow’s will be fine. I’m not too nervous to do it - it’s just another game after all - was just psyched up for this one!

I’m recovering from an injury though, so at least this way I can do the match tomorrow and not let anybody down the following day if it resurfaces![/QUOTE]
Kit locked in the boot, car keys secure in a waistband or zipped pocket, shoe bag with drink, half time buffet and odds n sods hung from one of the nets using net clips.....sorted
They used to allow those light blue motability scooters behind the goals at a few grounds back in the day. Do you still have yours @Mintyref ?
I always leave my bag between the two sets of players. There's usually nobody on the other side of the pitch, it'll just get nicked! Players will criticise you whether you've had a good game or not,I'm afraid that's part of being a ref in adult football. Just ignore it l
I always put my bag between the 2 teams and at half time go get a cuppa. At the end of the game I just pick my bag up and change elsewhere if they are p***ed off or stay and get my boots off where my bag is.