The Ref Stop

slightly worried

Paul Jones

New Member
right then guys im abit taken back at the lack of fitness you all do as my season is now over i will be having about a week off then im on it like a puma !!! i personally feel training is a massive part of becoming a pro in this trade the difference between being good and being superb right im setting down a weight loss fitness challenege to all anyone up for it ??? pmsl dont all rush at once lol!!!
The Ref Stop
To be honest I'd love to be out there training. I want to get my level 5 before I hang up the whistle, but I've got that much going on with work at the moment it's unreal. I work pretty much 7 day week for on average 15 hours a day, so finding time to do anything at the moment is difficult.
The same as you, my season will be finished in the next week, and I will take a week off. But then, its fittness training to the max, especially with fittness tests every six weeks. Also, fittness is an integral part of being on the developement scheme, and its something I personnaly think that every referee who wants to go far should put effort into. I realise that work etc restricts this to many people, and obviously its easier for me being a student (wohoo :P).

What we should bear in mind tho, is that some people need very little training to be up to the required fittness, where as other, may need to train extremely hard, for copious amounts of time, and obviously, for many, its just a hobby to do on the weekend, and people don't feel the need to train for it, which again, is fair enough.

I suppose we should remember that a fit referee is not always a good referee, but a good referee is always fit! :)
To be honest I'd love to be out there training. I want to get my level 5 before I hang up the whistle, but I've got that much going on with work at the moment it's unreal. I work pretty much 7 day week for on average 15 hours a day, so finding time to do anything at the moment is difficult.

Theres somebody in the same area as me, that has been told that he could go very far up the refereeing ladder, provided that he gets himself fit enough, but he just can't do it, he's got 3 kids, his wife has just been laid off work, and so he has got to take 2 jobs, and just can't find the time to train. I suppose its just a case of doing it if you can find the time!
I got told that I'd make an excellent assistant. This was 10 years ago now though.

My problem was moving to a new county and not being known. Had I stayed with Northants, I often wonder what level I'd be now.

The only time I'm likely to get off work this year is 2 weeks in august when I'm getting married and buffeting off to the Maldives on honeymoon.

You see my problem now. Just can't commit to anything
I will be trying to tag along with my local clubs pre-season this year to get properly fit as I feel that it will only benefit me this year and then if I can use the gym even two a week during the season for some CV (even 30 mins is good!) then I will be topping myself up nicely. But I would like to be fitter, I bet some would see a picture of me and think I wouldn't need to do much, however if I don't do a lot for a few weeks I lose it, just as anyone would so training is an important part of things for me even if it is 'top-up' training as such. I would like to get a coach/trainer to help me with my refereeing and training but that is unlikely to be honest, I can but dream :(..
I got told that I'd make an excellent assistant. This was 10 years ago now though.

My problem was moving to a new county and not being known. Had I stayed with Northants, I often wonder what level I'd be now.

The only time I'm likely to get off work this year is 2 weeks in august when I'm getting married and buffeting off to the Maldives on honeymoon.

You see my problem now. Just can't commit to anything

Aye, sadly refereeing is a sport that can take up a lot of time, and because the mony is hardly enough to live on, its got to be put second to work hasnt it.
I haven't run since 23rd April (my last game) due to sore achilles/calves. The fitness test is 12th June. I might have to turn up on my bike! I might manage 10km in 12 min!! LOL
Due to a little one coming along I took the last three months off the season off, bar one game. Id trained once since the start of feb, until the other night when I got out and ran 3 miles. Shocking how slow I was. I am going to do the july test but seriously need to get my head right otherwise I will fail. I know whats needed to do it but with home life changes and work being a overload I am finding that I just cant get going to get ready to train again. Not helping that since Feb Ive pilled a stone on which I really didnt need and also need to lose that as well.

Ill get there but just need to get the rhythm going again of training
The only running I do is during the match and that's to get away from the players when I've given a dodgy FK. I'll do a 4 mile run once a month and the rest is done at games and I'm happy with that.