Another day at the Zoo!


Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
It's me again ...

The Match was abandoned in the 30th minute of the second half.
After awarding a goal I was immediately surrounded by Team A players who were screaming at me that it was hand ball I told them
that I am awarding the goal as I would be guessing if I said it was hand ball.

Then a player from the same team called me "a ****ing
cheat and a disgrace " I asked for his name but he walked away
from me and his team mates obstructed me from getting to him
when I managed to get him over to me he gave me his first name but not last and once again walked away I showed him a red at this point and
despite repeated calls for his last name he refused.

With players still surrounding me from Team A I observe a team A player call a team B player "a ****ing black *******" he is also sent off. When walking off the pitch he said to another player " your a black ******* aswell" this incensed the home team (Team B) who were furious and promted to get in the face of the team A player the coach of team A came running onto the pitch and starts pushing the team B players.

Whilst I try to get the coach
to leave the field I noticed that Team A players were picking Team B players bags and bottles up and throwing them all over
the place and against the fence that was beside the pitch. I
couldn't tell if anything was damaged or not.

At this point I abandon the game there was a coach from Team A pushing team B players, Team A players throwing the Team B players
bags and bottles against a fence and also racial slurs from Team A being shouted at the Team A team the abandonment was 7 minutes after I awarded the goal. The Team A coach tells me that if I don't restart the game that I am a disgrace and that I
shouldn't be reffing at this level. I could still hear players from
Team A calling the other team things such as "Black *******"
and "Blacky Blackies" but I was unsure as to which players it was
so no action for this was taken.
When walking away from Team A towards the team B I
heard "ref what a spacka you are" and "Your a ****ing disgrace of
a refereee" this was from team A players.

When walking off the pitch I had a spectator from Team A come
into my face and scream rather aggressively "get this bloody game
restarted will you" I said I've abandoned it he replied with " well
you shouldn't be getting then".
This incident forced the abandonment of the match.

I've submitted my report but would anyone else abandon this game (from what I described) also the fix sec as this was adults told me afterward that he knew this game was going to be fiesty as it was 1st vs 2nd but he didn't expect it to be that much. He said he give to me for experience of big game (which I appreciate being given the responsibility and hope I can do more big games)
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A&H International
Its not a case of that Joe, its more a case of why is this happening to you on a regular basis.
Honestly I don't know because I wouldnt consider myself a bad ref I mean I may not be the best as compared to more experienced refs but I don't think I'm all that bad IMHO
Do you have a mentor Joe? Not at all suggesting that clubs and players are angels, but issues like this shouldn't be happening to a referee on such a regular basis. A mentor might possibly help you pinpoint problems that are leading to these issues.
No I don't have a mentor mate
Based on the posts you've made in the past weeks I'm narrowing this down to one of 3 possibilities

1) you are on a serious wind up on this forum
2) you need to find a different league to referee on
3) you need to get someone to come and watch you and give you some constructive feedback on your game, perhaps some of the issues are stemming from how you referee.
Do you have a mentor Joe? Not at all suggesting that clubs and players are angels, but issues like this shouldn't be happening to a referee on such a regular basis. A mentor might possibly help you pinpoint problems that are leading to these issues.
I agree, I can't believe the County FA (and RefSec) is allowing this to happen week on week
Based on the posts you've made in the past weeks I'm narrowing this down to one of 3 possibilities

1) you are on a serious wind up on this forum
2) you need to find a different league to referee on
3) you need to get someone to come and watch you and give you some constructive feedback on your game, perhaps some of the issues are stemming from how you referee.
I just think that teams are so used to lenient refs who don't give cards as I got told by a coach in the league that I ref that I'm the only one who gives cards AND puts them through. Maybe that is what annoys teams
I just think that teams are so used to lenient refs who don't give cards as I got told by a coach in the league that I ref that I'm the only one who gives cards AND puts them through. Maybe that is what annoys teams
For your own safety and welfare, you can't keep exposing yourself to this. I'm shocked that your RDO is not supporting you
For your own safety and welfare, you can't keep exposing yourself to this. I'm shocked that your RDO is not supporting you
Of all the reports I've put in I've never heard from my local fa so I assume all the teams pleaded guilty ... is that how it works if I don't hear then they've plead guilty?
Based on the posts you've made in the past weeks I'm narrowing this down to one of 3 possibilities

1) you are on a serious wind up on this forum
2) you need to find a different league to referee on
3) you need to get someone to come and watch you and give you some constructive feedback on your game, perhaps some of the issues are stemming from how you referee.
