Celebrity fans in your teams kit!

Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee
Any pics of celebrities in your teams kit! Mark Labbett... B List clever so and so!!!
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A&H International
The Keplies scream themselves hoarse at every game.

However I did find a pic of William Wallace aving it with some rival firm prior to an Anglo Cup tie in 1298


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The Keplies scream themselves hoarse at every game.

However I did find a pic of William Wallace aving it with some rival firm prior to an Anglo Cup tie in 1298

Great game, Wallace was a bit chirpy and after some great work early doors he lost the final battle and was sent off to all 4 corners!! ;)
Didn't some Falkirk fans get in trouble for throwing eyeballs on the pitch in a game from memory???