The Ref Stop

Are you putting that through ref?

Tino Best

RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
Been reffing for 4 seasons and have been asked about this on several occasions always on youth games never at OA. I have always thought it is just teams trying to pull a fast one. I have now changed my mind.
Last week blues v reds U18s 3 cautions 1 C2 sin bin and 2 c1 aa to 2 players who squared up to one another. End of the game the coach who I have known for 10 years asks the question.
I reply why wouldn't I?
he replies well you have to ask.
I say which means some refs do not put them through and he just smiled.
Today blue v whites I caution the skipper U15s for arepeat of a foul I had warned him about in the first half although I was just about to warn him about persistent fouling. Any way although the foul was soft it needed the caution. The player didn't protest as it was taking one for the team.
At the end of the game the home manager asked about the yellow and I explained that I had warned him in the first half and had told him if he repeated it it would be a caution. The coach thought the foul was a bit soft. He then asked the question, and I repied of course I am putting it through. His reply was I thought you had a good game but I am going to mark you down for the caution. I just shrugged because club marks do not bother me, but the implication was there you would get a higher mark if I hadnt put it through.
Any way the manager tried to get the opposition coach to try and say it was soft but in his defence he said he didnt see the incident. I told him that I am putting it through and I am not leaving myself open to a suspension. I then got the guilt trip, oh he is from a poor family and he cant afford it, its kids football, he is really upset. And then the coach told me how a ref had shown a yellow in a previous game, but at the end of the game had said it was just a ******ly foul I won't put it through. I eventually just left. Its through on WGS like all my cautions.
Anyway has anyone else had this experience.
The Ref Stop
Been reffing for 4 seasons and have been asked about this on several occasions always on youth games never at OA. I have always thought it is just teams trying to pull a fast one. I have now changed my mind.
Last week blues v reds U18s 3 cautions 1 C2 sin bin and 2 c1 aa to 2 players who squared up to one another. End of the game the coach who I have known for 10 years asks the question.
I reply why wouldn't I?
he replies well you have to ask.
I say which means some refs do not put them through and he just smiled.
Today blue v whites I caution the skipper U15s for arepeat of a foul I had warned him about in the first half although I was just about to warn him about persistent fouling. Any way although the foul was soft it needed the caution. The player didn't protest as it was taking one for the team.
At the end of the game the home manager asked about the yellow and I explained that I had warned him in the first half and had told him if he repeated it it would be a caution. The coach thought the foul was a bit soft. He then asked the question, and I repied of course I am putting it through. His reply was I thought you had a good game but I am going to mark you down for the caution. I just shrugged because club marks do not bother me, but the implication was there you would get a higher mark if I hadnt put it through.
Any way the manager tried to get the opposition coach to try and say it was soft but in his defence he said he didnt see the incident. I told him that I am putting it through and I am not leaving myself open to a suspension. I then got the guilt trip, oh he is from a poor family and he cant afford it, its kids football, he is really upset. And then the coach told me how a ref had shown a yellow in a previous game, but at the end of the game had said it was just a ******ly foul I won't put it through. I eventually just left. Its through on WGS like all my cautions.
Anyway has anyone else had this experience.
Actions have consequences...
I want to be satisfied that a sanction is warranted. If there's any doubt (especially at youth level), I'll keep'em in my pocket (any uncertainty, downgrade). It largely depends on the temperature of the game. If you thought the card was necessary today, don't bother troubling yourself with it any further
It was never an option not to put them through but does any one else get this or is it just round my way?
I’d say I’d think about it in sticky situations after games but always did. By the time I saw them again they’d forgot anyway... I did have a few serial offenders who you could probably start writing it in before you started 😂
As a player I heard it asked by Sunday League manager but never in Saturday OA.

Like you're saying, if I show a card I'm putting it through. If I'm not prepared to follow through then I wouldn't show the card in the first place.

If you don't put a card through:
•What does that tell the player/manager about you?
•What does it tell the opposition (imagine it was a red that never went through)?
•How does that help next week's ref

If a player is concerned about the financial impact yada yada... then they should be thinking about that before they commit the offence.

I would be interested to know if County FA treat such a request as Improper Conduct towards a referee as that would have a further sanction
Back when I was a playing, it was more common for cards to not be put through in junior footy than it was for then to be put through. It was common practice for managers to send the player to the ref to apologise for their behaviour, this would ofte encoursge the ref to not send in the yelloe for dissent etc. Then, into amateur senior football on a Sunday morning, it was pot luck whether the ref sent it through or not. Some refs had a mantra that if it was for a standard foul then it wouldn't get sent in, if it was for anything violent etc then it would be. I know to alot of the younger guys on here this sounds crazy, but it's how it was. There were no WGS websites to easily put a caution on, it was unlikely that the ref had the internet! There was alot of paperwork involved in a yellow card and your average grass roots ref didn't need the hassle.

Anyway, back to the point at hand, send them all in and don't give it a second thought.
It used to be the case that misconduct fines were charged to the club if the offender was a minor. If that’s still correct then affordability isn’t an issue.

County FAs have started checking on submissions of cards and referees failing to do so properly are themselves getting bans.

If you showed a card and in hindsight realise it was wrong in law etc contact the local FA and say so. They can downgrade or cancel if necessary.

Don’t perjure yourself.

I’d also be tempted to report the manager for threatening to mark you down if you submit the caution.
Had an OA game on Saturday. Top of the table clash, local derby. Great game, finished 3 1. Only 1 yellow the whole game for a reckless challenge. Then after the final whistle, I've got a player stood right next to me who lets out a barrage of abuse at the opposition manager. F*** off you F*****g Fat C**t.

There's a large group of players, spectators and coaches around us. I feel that even though I didn't hear anything else before this, that I have to act. So I issue a red for offinabus than get the wrath of that teams players, spectators, coaches etc.

Loads of pressure not to put it through all the way to the changing rooms and in the changing rooms but I stuck to my guns and even explained that anyone there could report me for firstly not showing the red and secondly not putting it through.

I later found out that the team in question, reported a referee 2 weeks earlier for not putting a red card through. So I'm glad I stuck to my guns.

Have had it at youth level, more from parents than coaches I might add. I think you lose all credibility as a referee as soon as you don't put 1 through.
The coach thought the foul was a bit soft. He then asked the question, and I repied of course I am putting it through. His reply was I thought you had a good game but I am going to mark you down for the caution.

I'd actually report that as further misconduct.

I have had queries as to whether I put the cautions through and sometimes players joke about the topic. Last season I did have to report a club for their efforts in trying to dissuade me from putting in a dismissal, because they were very persistent about it.

I'm interested to see how it goes next season when everything moves online as we'll have an app to do the reports on our phones. I imagine post-match drinks will be interesting for some brave/cheeky players if the referee calls back to the bar?
I'd actually report that as further misconduct.

I have had queries as to whether I put the cautions through and sometimes players joke about the topic. Last season I did have to report a club for their efforts in trying to dissuade me from putting in a dismissal, because they were very persistent about it.

I'm interested to see how it goes next season when everything moves online as we'll have an app to do the reports on our phones. I imagine post-match drinks will be interesting for some brave/cheeky players if the referee calls back to the bar?
Exactly what I was going to say. Asking if you're going to put it through isn't great, but I won't report misconduct for that. Trying to threaten or bribe you with club marks is a step too far though and I'd be seriously considering extra misconduct for that.
This was the first time the comment was followed by more persuasion. Normally its asked and then dropped straight away when they realise they are not going to get the answer they want to hear. I am more concerned that if it was a young new ref he would feel intimidated and not put it through. I will use the misconduct line next time, and if it carries on I will put a report in.
I get that question occasionally. Most times my response is "absolutely. I'd like to keep mine and the games integrity intact" and in most cases it draws a look of shame that they even asked :)
Let me just put this scenario to you, i realise plenty on here might not do junior games.

You have an U9 game, DOGSO goalkeeper red card, you send the keeper off.

Are you putting that through , im playing devils advocate a bit here.
Let me just put this scenario to you, i realise plenty on here might not do junior games.

You have an U9 game, DOGSO goalkeeper red card, you send the keeper off.

Are you putting that through , im playing devils advocate a bit here.
Why wouldn't you??