Pandemic law modifications

Mr Dean

RefChat Addict
Sports such as golf and tennis have made temporary modifications to their rules so that the sports can be played recreationally during the pandemic.

Obviously, social distancing is not possible in football since it's a contact sport. However, this got me thinking about hugely speculative temporary law modifications to reduce - not eliminate - the risk of transmission in grassroots football.

For starters, the throw in and the dropped ball will have to be binned. What else?
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A&H International
For safety I would remove the ball altogether.
hotbed of germs and disease
In 1983 whilst playing down the rec, I mind the ball rolled through dug poo, we played on, Jimmy crossed it over and Shug headed home the winner
Neither died of dug poo poisoning, although both are no longer with us today for other drinking reasons
If the ball can roll in poo and nobody died, its fine for a virus
Sports such as golf and tennis have made temporary modifications to their rules so that the sports can be played recreationally during the pandemic.

Obviously, social distancing is not possible in football since it's a contact sport. However, this got me thinking about hugely speculative temporary law modifications to reduce - not eliminate - the risk of transmission in grassroots football.

For starters, the throw in and the dropped ball will have to be binned. What else?
Playing the game at all.

Not sure why speculation on how to do something stupid just to keep up with the Joneses makes any sense.

Football games can't work as long as social distancing is required. Training can only work under the lightest restrictions. Getting around that, you may as well go invent a new sport or play a different one, for what would be necessary.
Why do these elite players really need social distancing, they are CV19 tested regularly and are probably safer on there than we are walking around Tescos..... They all have a common knowledge that everyone is free of the virus! Its like getting on a plane knowing that no-one has a gun!!!
Hmmmn, the players are travelling to a venue, changing, performing in close proximity and then showering.
If it's not safe to do that then no Law change is really going to do much.

I think someone on here suggested making 'coughing at someone' the same sanction as 'spitting at someone' which I would agree with though
The players are getting tested every other day and are self isolated in hotels before and after games. The wearing of masks by players arriving at grounds and substitutes is more around preventing infection of other people at the stadium.

The Ausberg manager, who only started in the job just before lockdown and hasn't managed the team yet, missed the game yesterday as he popped out of the hotel to buy toothpaste and deodorant and now has to self isolate for two weeks. It really is as sterile an environment as they can possibly make. Social distancing is realistically going to be needed for the rest of the year, potentially much, much longer, so if there is to be any top level football at all this is how it is going to have to be.
Social distancing is realistically going to be needed for the rest of the year, potentially much, much longer
Think it's way, way too early to make any realistic predictions about the medium term future. Realistically, everything will depend on whether we see any evidence of a second spike arising from the relaxation of restrictions. If not, then economic reality will dictate a return to 'near normal' and football will just be a part of this. Might well see differing approaches at different levels though, because, as current events are clearly demonstrating, the EPL is obviously a world apart even from the remainder of the Football League, let alone grassroots.

Let's just all keep on doing our part to minimise risks for now ... whilst remaining optimistic about the future 🙏
The players are getting tested every other day and are self isolated in hotels before and after games. The wearing of masks by players arriving at grounds and substitutes is more around preventing infection of other people at the stadium.

The Ausberg manager, who only started in the job just before lockdown and hasn't managed the team yet, missed the game yesterday as he popped out of the hotel to buy toothpaste and deodorant and now has to self isolate for two weeks. It really is as sterile an environment as they can possibly make. Social distancing is realistically going to be needed for the rest of the year, potentially much, much longer, so if there is to be any top level football at all this is how it is going to have to be.
That doesn't sound right to me. If players are tested every two days surly so is the manager or at least in this case. Test results take at most two or three days. Why would have to self isolate for 14 days? Any argument about how long it takes for symptoms to show (or tests to show results) wouldn't stands as it would similarly apply to bi-daily testing of players.

One would think the manager should self isolate the same number of days as players do after a game, get a test done, then come out of self isolation after a negative result.
Sports such as golf and tennis have made temporary modifications to their rules so that the sports can be played recreationally during the pandemic.

Obviously, social distancing is not possible in football since it's a contact sport. However, this got me thinking about hugely speculative temporary law modifications to reduce - not eliminate - the risk of transmission in grassroots football.

Why not simply stop contact, and draw areas where players can go. Striker (a 1970's game) was an example of COVID-19 compliant football.


Fair enough but your original post said he has to self isolate for two weeks. The club's official post says he can return after two negative tests which could be as short as 4 days.

We can then have areas for
Goal keeper (GK)
Goal Defence (GD)
Wing Defence (WD)
Centre (C)
Wing Attack (WA)
Goal Attack (GA)
Goal Shooter (GS)

Oh wait....
Like the idea.... should we suggest to FIFA?