One that caught me out


RefChat Addict
If blue team is attacking and has the ball in the opponents penalty area and you have to stop play say for an injury, the restart goes to the other teams goalkeeper.

Honestly thought like all over the pitch it was given back to whoever had possession when the game was stopped.
A&H International
If blue team is attacking and has the ball in the opponents penalty area and you have to stop play say for an injury, the restart goes to the other teams goalkeeper.

Honestly thought like all over the pitch it was given back to whoever had possession when the game was stopped.
Stop the game before the ball enters the PA... or face the consequences :mad:
If blue team is attacking and has the ball in the opponents penalty area and you have to stop play say for an injury, the restart goes to the other teams goalkeeper.

Honestly thought like all over the pitch it was given back to whoever had possession when the game was stopped.
So that you don't get caught on a different one, outside the PA the ball is dropped to the team who last touched the ball (which can be different to posession).
Had the classic two weeks ago where a midfielder scoping a pass seemed determined to hit it at me as I bobbed ready to evade... in the end I ducked as low as I could from a starting point of a shade under 6’4”... of course the ball got me on the back and, disorientated, I had no idea who touched the ball next!

Sadly, I had two very enthusiastic but young (16 and 17) y.o. NARs and neither even noticed when I mentioned after the game!
Had the classic two weeks ago where a midfielder scoping a pass seemed determined to hit it at me as I bobbed ready to evade... in the end I ducked as low as I could from a starting point of a shade under 6’4”... of course the ball got me on the back and, disorientated, I had no idea who touched the ball next!

Sadly, I had two very enthusiastic but young (16 and 17) y.o. NARs and neither even noticed when I mentioned after the game!
Doesn't really matter who touched it next - the ball hitting you is the reason to stop the game at that point, so drop it to the midfielder's team.
But maybe a passing eagle swooped down and nutmegged the fullback before the ball bounced off a fircone and into the path of the centre-forward, or maybe we could just read what the poster wrote and not tie ourselves in knots debating whataboutteries.
Maybe. But if stopped an attack but the team kept possession, play should continue. (Though I think the practice is likely going to be erring on the side of stopping play.)
I agree with you, social lurker . . . we try to get new referees to practise safe refereeing, within the laws, so in this case a dropped ball. Cheers.
I do agree with you - as the referee did not know what happened after the ball hit him, it was either going to be a change of possession or an attack developing, so either way stopping play is acceptable. Not mandatory in all situations, but as the post indicated he had no idea what happened after he was hit, this one says "Safe option, stop play" to me. Understand your point totally.
Given that in my scenario (that escalated quickly!) no player appealed, no coach appealed, my young assistants didn’t even question... and it was in midfield... I did the “right thing”, the “safe” thing, by not stopping play. If I had stopped play I would have just drawn attention to what, in the end, was poor movement in my part for getting in the way!